Title: 新產品開發績效評估指標系統
New Product Development Performance Index System
Authors: 陳群佳
Chun-Chia Chen
Hsi-Mei Hsu
Wen-Chih Chen
Keywords: 新產品開發;績效評估指標;資料庫;New Product Development;NPD Performance Index;Database
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 本研究整理與彙整過去新產品開發績效指標相關文獻,彙整272項新產品開發績效評估指標,定義各項績效評估指標。以考量企業、部門與專案三個不同層級,及策略符合、財務、技術能力、市場機會、顧客需求、開發流程與組織文化七項績效評估指標維度將新產品開發績效指標分類,構建新產品開發績效指標系統,以協助企業進行新產品開發績效評估之參考。
This study proposes a new product development (NPD) performance index system. 272 new product development performance indices are collected through literature reviews. These indices are classified according to the following dimensions: strategic fit, finance, technical, market opportunity, customer need, process and process and organization cluture. The level of NPD performance measurement unit is defined as firm, departments and projects. The purpose of the proposed NPD performance indes system is to provide a tool for managers to selecte appropriate indices to measure new product development performance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis