标题: 利用数位智权管理对资讯商品进行区隔化之分析研究
A Study of Using Digital Rights Management to Differentiate Information Goods
作者: 许尧钦
Yao-Chin Hsu
Chi-Chun Lo
关键字: 数位智慧财产权管理;资讯商品;弹性;差异化;DRM;information good;flexibility;differentiate
公开日期: 2005
摘要: 数位智慧财产权管理(Digital Rights Management, DRM)是一种用来控制资讯商产品(像是软体、音乐或是其他数位内容)所能够被自由运用的程度的技术。例如,在Apple’s iTune Store所购买的音乐只能在他们授权的装置数量以内同时播放。这项技术所赋予资讯商品的属性,称之为弹性(flexibility)。而这项新的属性可以对使用者所认定的价值造成差异。可以想见的是,相同的产品之下,具有越高的弹性,可以让使用者愿意付出更高的价格购买,因此我们提出了利用弹性来对市场进行区隔化的定价策略。本篇论文中,我们修改了原本在独占的市场底下采用统一定价方式的模型(Uniform Pricing Model),提出了一个区隔化模型(Two-market-segmentation Based Model);由数学推导证明了进行区隔化之后的区隔化模型在特定范围的流通率(permeability)之下,确实可以为厂商带来更多的利润。
The Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology used to restrict the access to the software, music, or other digital content, (For example, the music purchased from Apple’s iTunes Store, have some DRM schemes built in to limit the number of devices they may be played on. ) brings the information goods with an extra attribute which could make the difference to consumers. Such an attribute was called “flexibility”. Intuitively, we may think the higher flexibility, the higher price that a consumer prefers to pay. We suggest that the firm could use flexibility to differentiate for more profit. In this paper, we adapted the original model with a price to a corresponding flexibility for the differentiation pricing version, a two-market-segmentation based model. There are two pairs of pricing strategies in the new model, and then the result is that the firm can make more profit from differentiating in a monopoly market and a specific range of permeability.


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