標題: 實施精簡生產-瑞典公司為例
Implementation of Lean production - - a case study in Sweden
作者: 安德斯
Anders Frick
關鍵字: 精簡生產;瑞典;lean production;lean management;industrial production;knowledge innovation;optimization;Toyota model
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 實施精簡生產-瑞典公司為例
This thesis work is a case study of implementation of Lean production in a small Swedish manufacturing industry. The initial idea for this thesis work was to do something that could be of use not only for Taiwanese companies but all smaller companies in both Taiwan and Sweden, which are performing manufacturing. The report gives an overview of the theories behind Lean production and what the literature says. Furthermore, it describes how Lean is implemented in some Swedish companies. The core part of the report is about a case study at the small mechanical manufacturing company MIM Construction AB, who produces car accessories. At MIM, value stream mapping was performed for two different products at two different times. Things that happened between the mapping events are described, and later analyzed. An improvement was measured, which could be derivable to the introduction of Lean. A survey among the coworkers was also performed, since an important part of the shift into Lean is to let all the coworkers at the company understand and know what is going on. The survey showed that many coworkers did not realize the seriousness of some of seven, by Lean specified, wastes. The outcome from the case study rendered in ten suggested improvements, which are: • Set a pacemaker • Work in takt • Get a flow • Introduce pull-system • Better management planning • Skip buffers • Better shipment planning • Less product diversity • Introduce kanban system • Add more visual aid • Develop a complete value stream map Finally, the report contains some conclusions and lessons learned. The final recommendations are to continue implementing Lean, not least in order to stand the competition from low-cost production countries.


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