標題: 公司及銷售人員關係行銷、關係品質與顧客忠誠度之研究─以壽險客戶為例
The Study of Company and Salespeople’s Relationship Marketing, Relationship Quality and Customer Loyalty ─ Take Life Insurance Customers as an Example
作者: 黃文信
關鍵字: 關係行銷;關係品質;顧客忠誠度;聲譽;關係投資;關係利益;Realtionship marketing;Relationship quality;Customer loyalty;Reputation;Relationship investment;Relationship benefit
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 隨著壽險業競爭的加劇,帶來顧客忠誠度的降低,壽險公司開始體認到爭取新顧客固然重要,留住現有顧客更是重要,因此經營者必須思考如何與顧客建立長期關係的策略,而這正是推行關係行銷的目的。過去文獻很少將聲譽、關係投資與關係利益等公司的關係行銷,與銷售人員的關係行銷做結合,因此,本研究特別分為公司及銷售人員兩個角度,探討關係行銷、關係品質與顧客忠誠度三者的關係。

As the increasing competition in the life insurance industry, it will result in lower customer loyalty. Life insurance companies start to relize that keeping current customers is more important than endeavoring to have new customers. As a result, a business manager has to think about how to build the stategy of long-term relationship with customers. That is the pupose that we have to carry out relationship marketing. The literature in the past seldom combines the relationship marketing of company, such as reputation, relationship investment and relationship interest, with the relationship marketing of salespeople. Therefore, this research differentiates particularly between company and salespeople to discuss with relationship marketing, relationship quality and customer loyalty.

This research finds that: the correlation between relationship benefit and company’s relationship quality is the highest. Reputation and relationship investment have positive correlation with company’s relationship quality. The correlation between cooperative intention and salespeople’s relationship quality is the highest. Expertise, interaction intensity, similarity and matual disclosure have positive correlation with salespeople’s relationship quality. The relationship quality of company in customer loyalty is more related than the relationship quality of salespeople. For all variables, there is no significant influence in gender, age, education and personal income per month. There is lower significant in marriage and higher significant in carreer. As a whole, there is higher agreement in people of service industry than manufacturing and student.
Appears in Collections:Thesis