標題: 經營環境調整後之中國大陸全域型銀行效率分析
Operational Environment-adjusted Bank Efficiency in China
作者: 李志元
Chih-Yuan Lee
Jin-Li Hu
關鍵字: 資料包絡分析法;銀行績效;環境調整;差額變數測量;無效率分解;中國金融;data envelopment analysis;DEA;banking efficiency;environment-adjusted;slack-based measure;decomposition of inefficiency;banking;China
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本研究使用四階段資料包絡分析法分析1995年到2004年十一家中國大陸全域型銀行的經營效率。除了人為管理因素影響之外,各銀行所處的環境亦會形成對銀行經營有利與不利的因子,而本研究之目的即在於將純粹管理上的無效率,和經營環境所造成的無效率,從整體無效率中分解出來。本研究之模型係採用投資、放款兩個產出變數,以及存款、員工數和固定資產等三個投入變數。所有的名目數據資料皆經過以1995年為基期的GDP物價平減轉換為實質變數以進行研究分析。透過Tobit複回歸模型來估計銀行的成立年數、所有權型式、政策影響、存放比率、銀行規模、世界貿易組織的參與以及亞洲金融風暴等人為管理之外的外生變數,是否會對理論投入值與實際投入值所產生的差額數值產生顯著性的影響。在經過去除環境因子影響的調整後,大陸的國有銀行之效率值均獲得大幅度提升,意謂著現階段的經營環境的確比較有利於股份制銀行的經營,如果無法適應經營環境,國有銀行可以藉由所有權的改革以提升經營效率。
Applying the four-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach proposed by Fried et al. (1999), this thesis studies the operational environment-adjusted efficiency of eleven nationwide banks in China from 1995 to 2004. In addition to managerial factors, the operational environment also brings favorable and unfavorable effects to banks. This study attempts to separate the inefficiency caused by management and inefficiency caused by operational environment. There are two outputs (investment and loans) and three inputs (deposits, employees, and fixed assets) in the DEA model. All nominal variables are transformed into real variables by the GDP deflators at the 1995 price level. After adjusting the input variables by excluding effects caused by environmental factors, state-owned banks have a greater improvement on efficiency. This implies that the joint-equity ownership significantly favors nationwide banks in China. State-owned banks can hence engage in ownership reform to improve their efficiency.
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