標題: 不同世代偏好品牌之廣告訊息分析:品牌年輕化的訊息建議
AD Message Analysis on the Brands Preferred by Different Generations: A Suggestion to Brand Rejuvenation
作者: 林聖淵
Shen-Yuan Lin
Yuhmiin Chang
關鍵字: 世代;偏好;廣告訊息;品牌年輕化;Generation;Preference;AD Message;Brand Rejuvenation
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 年輕市場與成熟市場一直是消費市場中頗具潛力的兩大區隔(Moses, 2000; Gillon, 2004),隨著「品牌年輕化」近年來成為台灣市場中的熱門趨勢(張卉穎,2004),如何分辨這兩塊市場並進行正確利益的溝通,且不同世代偏好品牌在執行的訊息元素上有何異同,就成為值得關注的問題。 目前市場上對於年輕與成熟消費者缺乏系統性的界定,因此,本研究決定援引世代分析的觀點,對年輕與成熟世代作有效的區隔與瞭解,同時對於這兩大世代的溝通元素,將透過「內容分析」的研究方法進行分析與探討。 本研究之目的為下列四點: 1、對於年輕消費者與成熟消費者進行較有系統之界定。 2、探討年輕與成熟世代各自偏好之品牌在廣告訊息的呈現上是否呈現差異。 3、在進行品牌年輕化時,品牌管理者若單獨對年輕世代溝通時,可參考的廣告訊息元素為何。 4、在進行品牌年輕化時,品牌管理者若同時對兩個世代溝通時,可參考的廣告訊息元素為何。 本研究從2005年E-ICP雜誌調查資料中,共選出23種雜誌,163份雜誌樣本,同時,配合2006年E-ICP的調查資料,將世代別以「年輕世代偏好品牌」與「成熟世代偏好品牌」進行操作,共蒐集了年輕世代285則以及成熟世代189則,共474則廣告樣本。 研究結果發現,在廣告訊息內容(說什麼)文化價值的部分,年輕世代偏好品牌之廣告在「個人主義」的表現上較成熟世代強烈,成熟世代則在「權力距離」、「群體主義」較強,而在「不確定規避」、「剛性作風」以及「柔性作風」上則無顯著差異。在廣告訊息表現(如何說)的部分,首先,國際化傾向方面,年輕世代偏好品牌之廣告在「外國語言」表現較為強烈;其次,品牌個性方面,年輕世代在「刺激」、「優雅」較強,成熟世代則在「真誠」、「能力」較突出;最後在廣告代言人方面,年輕世代以「年輕世代偏好之名人」與「虛擬人物」中表現較為強烈,其餘則無顯著差異。研究並根據上述結果彙整品牌年輕化的訊息建議。
There are two important segments of young and mature consumers in the market (Moses, 2000; Gillon, 2004). The rise of the phenomenon of brand rejuvenation make the issue how to communicate with different stakeholders hot, in addition, the difference of the messages conducted for specific target remains questionable.In present, the distinction between young and mature targets is still obscured. Therefore, generation analysis is conducted to help clarify them. And the difference of the messages which were executed will be tested through the method “content analysis”. The purpose of this study includes: 1. Systematic distinction between young and mature targets. 2. To confer the difference between the brands preferred by different generations. 3. In the process of brand rejuvenation, which ad message elements are suggested to the brand managers to communicate with young generation? 4. In the process of brand rejuvenation, which ad message elements are suggested to the brand managers to communicate both of the generations? The database of E-ICP in 2006 was conducted to develop the independent variable “The brand preferred by young generation” and “The brand preferred by mature generation”. 285 young brands and 189 mature brands were collected, the total samples of brand are 474. The study shows that, in the portion of culture value, the brand preferred by young generation is significant higher than the mature on “Individualism”, but lower on “Power Distance” and “Collectivism”, and the two brands are no significant on “Uncertainty Avoidance”, “Masculinity” and “Femininity”. At Internationalization, the brand preferred by young generation is significant higher on foreign language. At brand personality, the young is significant higher than the mature on “Excitement” and “Elegant”, but lower on “Sincerity” and “Competency”. At the last part of endorser, the young is significant higher than the mature on “The celebrity preferred by the young” and “Visual Character”, and both are no significant on the others. Besides, the suggestions to brand rejuvenation are proposed according to the result.


  1. 150101.pdf

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