標題: 情緒層次設計因素與手機使用者經驗:本能層次、行為層次及反思層次
The Design Factors of Emotional Levels in Cellphone User Experiences-Visceral Level, Behavioral Level, and Reflective Level
作者: 林欣怡
Hsin-Yi Lin
Jim Jiunde Lee
關鍵字: 行動電話;情緒設計;使用者經驗;Cellphone;Emotion Design;User Experiences
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 在台灣,手機持有的普及率已超過百分之百,市場並達飽和的狀態。隨著科技快速的進步,手機不再僅是聯繫溝通之用,而是整合不同功能以支持使用者日趨多樣日常生活的載具。在各種附加功能中,以照相功能最受歡迎與廣大使用。過去的手機研究多數是以使用性為重,而鮮少著墨於所謂的使用者經驗,如此的研究取向,正面臨適用性的問題,並且無法滿足設計此行動載具時所出現的新挑戰。本研究旨在以脈絡分析的方法,特別是從情緒面向,探索使用者於照相手機上使用經驗。

本研究採納學者Norman所提出有關產品設計上的三層次情緒論述(本能、行為、反思)為主要的理論架構,分析探討使用者於使用照相手機過程中的各項情緒反應和情緒起因,目的在建構一個較完整的使用者面貌。研究首先進行使用者輪廓過程 並界定出國內照相手機三個主要使用族群(臨時型、自拍型、功能型),在確定使用者群組分類,隨後針對各組進行實驗,以實驗手機的外觀、使用效能、使用愉悅、自我形象、個人滿意及回憶等各項刺激為變數,觀察所引發的情緒反應,進一步探討情緒起因,最後了解使用者的實際需求。

With the popularity rate of cellphone held by each person in Taiwan exceeded 100%, the market of this mobile device apparently has reached its saturation level. The fast development of technology makes the cellphone not only a stand along tool for the communcation purpose, but starts to integrate various functions to support the increasing desires of users’ daily lifes. Among all the existed functions, camera is deemed as the most popular one that is widely used by users. Researches into cellphone are mostly guided by the concept of usability in the past; user experience are largely ignored. Such analysis direction might be no longer appropriate to counter the current design challenges. The aim of the present study tries to apply contextual inquiry to illustrate a more comprehensive user image of using camera cellphone especially from the perspective of emotion.
By adopting Norman’s three emotional levels of product design (visceral, behavioral, reflective) as theoretical framework, the present study investigated users’ reactions and causes of using camera cellphones. The user profiling process is first carried out to define three target user segements of camera cellphone (temporary type, self-shot type, functional type) in Taiwan. Later, An experiment for each user segement is then conducted to measure their emotional reactions aroused by variables of camera cellphone such as appearance, effectiveness, pleasure, self-image, satisfaction and memories., Furthermore, the emotional causes were discussed to reveal users’ real needs.
In general, the results shows that self-shot type users views the appearance as the most important factor; functional type user emphasizes the applicational efficiency. In the analysis of emotional causes, the outward appearance can be found in all three emotional levels. Particularly, it creates the most significant effect toward the user’s reflective emotional level. Usability and functionality issues obviously dominate the functional type user segement. Users of this group relate their emotional causes highly with the behavior level. The emotional causes of self-image and memories exist in the reflective level. Finally, the emotional causes of personal satisfaction is mainly depended on the interaction of visceral level and behavior level.


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