Title: 大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲中團隊合作過程之資訊察覺研究
A Study of Information Awareness for the Cooperation Activity in A Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game
Authors: 黃鈺棠
Yu Tang Huang
Jim Jiunde Lee
Keywords: 察覺;電腦輔助合作遊戲;大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲;活動理論;電腦輔助合作工作;Awareness;CSCP;MMORPGs;Activity theory;CSCW
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 當虛擬團隊快速地在網際網路環境實踐時,電腦成為促進合作活動的重要中介。然而,在電腦輔助的合作環境下,當前電腦介面阻礙一些在面對面場合裡能夠獲取的資訊察覺(awareness),所以仍然無法取代人類真實生活中的互動。因此,90年代以來已經有不少電腦輔助合作工作(CSCW)、電腦輔助合作學習(CSCL)的學者開始重視此議題,強調群體軟體提供資訊察覺的重要性。 本研究延伸自CSCW領域對於資訊察覺議題的研究,進一步探討電腦輔助合作遊戲(CSCP)領域中團隊合作過程的資訊察覺需求,主要以大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲(Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games/MMORPGs)─《魔獸世界》為研究平台,目的在於瞭解遊戲時,玩家與玩家之間如何透過電腦輔助獲得資訊察覺,以促使MMORPGs團隊合作過程更為順利。研究中,首先經檢閱文獻整理出8個察覺類別做為察覺構念架構,分別為環境察覺、程序察覺、非正式察覺、團隊結構察覺、工作場域察覺、社交察覺、任務察覺、客觀性自我察覺,再以日誌法與半結構式訪談法進行資料蒐集,並且於資料分析時,採用活動理論(activity theory)做為分析架構,試圖探討每個活動中玩家的資訊察覺需求。 分析結果歸納出合作相關的活動有「促成合作的活動」、「大型副本的整體活動」、「主坦職業活動」、「補系職業活動」、「DPS職業活動」、「團隊隊長活動」,本研究依據此6個活動深入探討資訊察覺。研究發現,當玩家剛登入遊戲時,應積極提供觸發合作關係的資訊察覺,而在遊戲過程中提供的社交資訊察覺應該即時、顯著、可辨識,此外,應該要針對角色職業的差異做不同的資訊察覺安排。最後,建議進一步考量資訊察覺對於遊戲娛樂性與遠距臨場感的影響,以及線下的資訊察覺需求。
As the virtual teamwork has fast shrived to be one of common practices in the internet environment, the computer becomes an important role of being the medium to facilitate the cooperative activity. However, current computer interfaces are still unable to replace human interaction in the real life as they are unable to provide as much information. Hence, since 1990s, researchers have concentrated on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and Computer-Supported Cooperative Learning (CSCL) in developing better solution to support or enhance the user performances. Extending from CSCW to Computer-Supported Cooperative Play (CSCP),the major focus of the present study is to understand the interactions and behaviors of players acquiring real time information of the game and their teammates which helps them work effectively in a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG), World of Warcraft. Eight different types of information awareness are distinguished in terms of teamwork-environmental awareness, process awareness, informal awareness, group-structural awareness, workspace awareness, social awareness, task awareness, and objective-self awareness. Using the activity theory as qualitative analysis framework, this study applied the users’ diary approach and the interview process to gather data and explored the possible demands of different types of information awareness in the gaming activities. The results of this study revealed six cooperative activities in games (the activity of grouping, the integral activity in raid, the activity of tank, the activity of healer, the activity of DPS, the activity of raid leader), and systems should actively provide appropriate information awareness interface to support the cooperative activities among players in a MMORPG environment. In addition, a real time and identifiable social awareness is another important design issue as well. Finally, the systems should arrange appropriate awareness information according to the needs of each professional game character. Future research is suggested to consider more about the influence of information awareness in the phenomenon of telpresence and enjoyment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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