标题: 纪念品:旅游回忆的保存与触发
The Souvenir as a Travel Memories Keeper and Trigger
作者: 赖彦均
Yen-Chuan Lai
Yi-Shin Deng
关键字: 旅游;纪念品;回忆;travel;souvenir;memories;design implication
公开日期: 2006
摘要: 纪念品一直以来都被视为是深具意义的物品,亦为许多学者所探讨。在旅程中,人们会搜集纪念品来保存回忆,而在旅程结束后,这些纪念品转而成为旅游经历的象征并触动回忆。像这样的纪念品,对人们而言,意义最为深重。


研究内容主要分为两部分:纪念品如何保存旅游回忆;旅程结束后,旅游回忆又是如何被触动。资料搜集采脉络访查法(Contextual Inquiry)与访谈来进行,其后以关联图表(Affinity Diagram)整理资料,透过质性分析与讨论,对保存回忆与触发回忆两个层面分别提出了设计提示。在保存回忆方面,纪念品可以是实用物品、旅伴、旅游经历的收据、场景中的片段、回忆创造者或是旅人所见的另一种版本;而在触发回忆方面,则提出了四点:可抗拒适应机制(adaptation)的立体装饰、不时被使用的实用物品、重新体验旅程的设定以及社交场合中引发好奇心的物品。期望两个层面的设计提示能供设计师交错整合运用,从中汲取想法,提出深具意义之纪念品的设计构想。
Souvenirs have been regarded as highly significant material objects. In a journey, tourists tend to collect souvenirs to keep memories. After the journey, these souvenirs serve as symbols of travel experience and evoke memories. A souvenir like this is considered to be most meaningful.

A souvenir keeps memories. The memories kept then make the souvenir cherished by people. That is to say, the object keeps the memories and meanwhile the memories keep the object. The subtle connection linking objects and memories makes both association between people and objects, people and memories last longer. By studying the emotions that people hold toward souvenirs and the relation between souvenirs, memories and tourists, it is possible to find out how to strengthen, or further, build this connection.

In this research, two main parts are investigated; namely: how a souvenir is being a memories keeper and being a memories trigger. Contextual inquiries and interviews are conducted to collect data. Through qualitative analysis and discussion, implications for memories keepers and triggers are respectively delivered. For keeping memories in the journey, it is implied that souvenirs can be useful things, partners of traveler, receipts of travel experience, fragments of the whole scene, memories creators, or other versions. As memories triggers, the souvenirs are proposed to be three-dimensional decorations against human adaptation, practical things used once in a while, setting for re-experiencing the journey, or curiosity triggers in social occasions. Implications of two aspects are suggested to be interlaced and integrated for application. The results are referable for designers to derive ideas concerning meaningful souvenirs.


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