Title: 許凱斐作品發表會含輔助文件:室內樂作品《希望井•預約的幸福》創作理念
Compositions by Kai-Fei Hsu with a supporting paper:The Musical Idea of My Chamber Music Work 《The Well of Hope•An Appoiment with Happiness》
Authors: 許凱斐
Kai-Fei Hsu
Tzyy-sheng Lee
Keywords: 現代詩;室內樂作品;創作理念;女聲;poem;Chamber Music Work;Musical Idea;Female voice
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 本文可分為兩個部分:第一部份為輔助文件室內樂作品《希望井•預約的幸福》的創作理念,第二部份為碩士學位音樂會作品之樂譜附錄,分別是為柳琴、雙簧管、大提琴與打擊的《醞•孕•韻》、琵琶獨奏曲《繭》、為長笛、大提琴與豎琴的《失語的羽翼》及為女聲、薩克斯風、小提琴、大提琴與鋼琴的《希望井•預約的幸福》。 《希望井•預約的幸福》是一首包含聲樂的室內樂作品,作品中運用了《希望井》及《預約的幸福》兩首現代詩的部分文詞,依照作曲者自己的想法將兩首詩揉合為一個愛情故事。本文將探討此作品對於詩詞與音樂結合的手法,以及轉化為各種樂念的體現與創作手法。
This supporting paper can be divided into two parts. The first part discusses the compositional ideas of my work for chamber ensemble, "The Well of Hope•An Appoiment with Happiness" and the second part is the music scores which were performed during my master's degree concert:"Brewing•Breeding•Charming" for liuqin, oboe, violoncello and percussion, "Cacoon" for pipa solo, "Wings Without Words" for flute, violoncello and harp, "The Well of Hope•An Appoiment with Happiness" for female voice, alto saxphone, violin, violoncello and piano. "The Well of Hope•An Appoiment with Happiness" is a piece for chamber ensemble with female voice. The text of this piece is quoted from two poems: "The Well of Hope" and "An Appoiment with Happiness" which were written by the Taiwanese poets Jimmy and Shu-Ling Horng repsectively. For this composition I have integrated words from these two poems into a fictitious love story. This paper discusses how the music and text are combined as well as how this interaction helped inspire me while composing this piece.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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