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dc.contributor.authorChien-tung, Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorTeng-Wen, Changen_US
dc.description.abstract透過對電腦輔助設計的發展,我們有了新的角度重新看待設計者所使用的工具,特別是遍步式運算(Weiser , 1991)概念的提出,使得任何空間與介面都有可能產生新的意義。當電腦輔助設計從電腦螢幕和滑鼠解放出來到各個空間時,我們注意到傳統上設計初學者在學習使用圖紙、模型表達設計時,常面臨到的一些困難。由於空間設計的巨大尺度與基地之間的關連性,使得空間設計者必需學習繪製縮小比例的圖面、模型,以想像方式思考1:1尺寸樣貌、1:1的材質樣貌與基地結合的關聯性。而設計初學者花費大量的時間與體力來重覆練習學習設計工具的使用(Bailey, 2005),才能慢慢的與老師開始討論設計。當設計初學者了解如何由立面、平面與剖面來表達空間,便開始用不同的方式看待設計。 本研究以行為分析提出「在地體驗式設計輔助系統」觀念,透過空間擴增實境的技術研究,實作出「1:1空間擴增實境設計環境」系統原型,讓設計初學者能直接體驗空間設計的呈現。最後以情境實驗與訪談了解此系統的優缺,發現這樣的系統會讓設計者更注重設計與身體行為之間的關連。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThrough the development of Computer-Aided Architecture Design, we have new perspective to understand the tools used by designer. Especially the idea of Ubiquitous Computing (Weiser, 1991), every space and interface is transforming into new meanings. As the Computer Aided Design is released from screen and mouse, we noticed that many novice designers encountered the difficulties to learn using 2D drawings and models to express their spatial ideas in the traditionally learning process. That is because spatial design always is bigger than human scale and has the closely relationship with site. Such reasons lead spatial designers have to learn to use small scale 2D drawings or models, and have to imagine the 1:1 full-scale, full-scale texture and the full-scale connection with site. Therefore, until the novice designers spend lot of time and labor to get familiar with such tools (Bailey, 2005), they have the possibility to begin discussing their design ideas with teachers. After this period of training, they started to think in different way. This paper proposed the idea of “Experiential Design Support System”, which let design novice experience the combination of design visualization and the site. Through the collection of related technical review, we also proposed the system prototype which named SARDE (Spatially Augmented Reality Design Environment). In this paper, we focused on interior design on site behaviour, and we use scenario experiment to understand how the system works. Finally, we discover that using such system will create more closely relationship between designer’s body and design.en_US
dc.subjectArchitecture Educationen_US
dc.subjectDesign Support Systemen_US
dc.subjectSpatially Augmented Realityen_US
dc.subjectDesign On Siteen_US
dc.title以1:1 空間擴增實境設計環境 初探「體驗式設計輔助系統」zh_TW
dc.titleToward Experimential Design Support System by 1:1 Spatially Augmented Reality Design Environmenten_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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