Title: 行動載具輔助教學觀察課程之發展與評鑑
The Design and Evaluation of a Mobile Technology Supported Observation Program
Authors: 邱凡芮
Fan-Ruei, Chiou
Hsinyi Peng
Keywords: 師資培育課程;行動科技;課程設計;教學觀察;Teacher-education program;mobile technology;curriculum design;classroom observation
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 培育高度教學效能之教師,為教師發展之重要目標,因此,師資培育機構與教育改革均致力於提升教師或準教師的教學效能。本研究以師資培育機構之師培生為研究對象,以透過行動載具輔助教學觀察課程之構想為出發點,發展教學效能觀察課程,盼能協助師培生更有效率地觀察與學習提升其教學效能,協助其未來成為高教學效能教師。 本研究經由文獻分析統整國內外有關「教學效能」、「教學觀察」以及「行動人機介面設計」等相關理論,進行系統與教材之及需求分析,以作為發展教學效能觀察課程及行動觀察系統之依據。課程實施後,本研究以問卷和訪談方式,進行教學效能觀察課程之評估,以瞭解師培生對課程的評鑑和改善建議。 研究結果,顯示師培生對課程的內容性、設計性、一致性、可行性,具有正面評價,並提出增加觀察次數、增長座談時間、提供充足學科教師、預知觀察教師上課內容、強化手冊等建議;此外,本課程對師培生的教學效能認知,亦具有正面影響,諸如:縮短理論和實務落差、建立教學效能的概念與架構、協助師培生以系統化方式觀察教師、促進反思、促進掌握和觀察教師教學效能的討論重點。 最後,本研究以增進課程之具體成效提出後續研究建議,例如:可藉由生手教師與老手教師同時參與教學觀察、未來系統可應用至其他教育學程科目(例如:分科教材教法、分科教學實習)及實習教師的教育實習環境等。期盼本系統和課程能應用於師資培育教育,作為提升師培生之教學效能的教學方案與相關研究之參考。
The goal of this study was to design and develop a mobile technology supported observation curriculum for teacher-education students, in an effort to enhance their understanding of teaching effectiveness. The study reviewed relevant literatures of teaching effectiveness, classroom observation, human-computer interface design on mobile devices, and provided a summary of need analysis as guides to develop the observation curriculum and the mobile observation system. This study also conducted a formative evaluation of both curriculum and the system. The result showed that teacher-education students demonstrated a positive attitude toward the content, accordance, feasibility and design of the observation curriculum. Based on the results of formative evaluation, this study has suggested the following: (1) to increase the observation times; (2) to increase the discussion time with the high school teachers; (3) to provide sufficient teachers for observation; (4) to provide lesson plans before classroom observation; and (5) to enhance the content of the observation manual. The curriculum has been proved to be an effective strategy to abridge the gaps of theories and practices of teaching, and to help teacher-education students carrying out systematic observation and to help teacher-education students’ reflecting on the observational process. Future study can integrate the observation curriculum in various method courses and teaching intern, facilitated by experienced teachers.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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