標題: 信用卡持卡人對通信貸款購買行為研究-以某銀行為例
An analysis of credit card holders’ mail loan behavior– take a case bank for example
作者: 蔡孟峰
Mong-Fong Tsai
Quang-Hua Chen
關鍵字: 通信貸款;消費者行為;卡方分析;mail loan;comsumer behavior;Chi-Square test
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 自民國八十年政府開放新銀行設立以來,銀行業務項目日趨多元化,且銀行間的競爭態勢激烈,各銀行紛紛開發各種附加功能,通信貸款便為其中一種主要附加功能且成為信用卡業務最主要的獲利來源之一,故對此項商品的了解是銀行信用卡業務的重點。但目前學術界對通信貸款的研究幾乎沒有,故本研究嘗試從消費者使用行為理論基礎中整理出可能影響信用卡持卡人使用通信貸款的因素,並利用卡方檢定,找出顯著之影響因素。研究結果之發現與建議: 1.不同職位或社會地位成熟度的持卡人,其申請通信貸款的動機亦有所差異,建議後續實務行銷上可針對信用卡持卡人不同人生階段,進行通信貸款需求時機研究,並輔以Event based marketing 方式以求最大行銷效果 2.不同人口統計變數在通信貸款商品之訊息來源上並未有顯著差異,推判可能因為一般銀行或信用卡公司對通信貸款商品的宣傳管道通常利用帳單夾寄或帳單背面等訊息管道做宣傳,故不構成太大差異,建議實務行銷上後續可以公關報導、客服語音宣傳或Inbound Sales等新通路測試行銷效果 3.不同教育程度、職業、收入之客戶在通信貸款商品的評估上不盡相同;而不同性別及婚姻狀況消費者對額度的選擇不同、不同職位客戶對利率的接受度亦不同。故建議後續實務行銷操作上可對不同族群客戶做更精緻的客群分析與商品包裝。
Since 1991, our goverment permitted private banks to enter the financial market,banking business then become quite diversity and the competition between banks become intense.Banks start to develop or bring in many kinds of additional functions.Mail loan is one of these additional functions,and it become the most profitable business of credit card.Thus, to understand cardholders’ willingness of using it is every banks’ key job.But unfortunately, in Taiwan’s academic world, there are almost non studies on this topic.So this study base on theories of consumer behavior to sort out the factors that may affect card holders’mail loan behavior ,then use the Chi-Square test to exame what variables are significant ones.The result and suggestion are as following: 1.With different positions and social levels, card holders have different motivations of applying mail loan. So here suggests when exercise in pratical marketing , a further analysis on the relation between credit card holders’ life stage and the timing of funds demending , and a designing of event-based marketing mechanism ,may help banks to gain greatest effect. 2.There are no significant association between demographics and information sources.This may due to that the banks or credit card companies always use certain channels to promote mail loan,such as statement insert or statement envelop,so the card holders can’t get mail loan information from any other different place.So here suggests that when exercise in pratical marketing,banks can test new promotion channels , such as PR , IVR or inbound sales. 3.With different educations, occupations and income levels, card holders have different view to evaluate mail loan. And with different gender and marital status, card holders have different preference of credit line;with different positions,card holders have different acceptance levels of interest rates. Thus here suggests that when exercise in pratical marketing,banks should do further analysis and design different packages for different targets.
Appears in Collections:Thesis