Title: 證券投資信託公司進行組織創新導入ISO 9001:2000 品質管理系統關鍵因素之研究
Key Factors for Securities Investment Trust Companies to Introduce ISO 9001:2000 System for Organizational Innovation
Authors: 蔡培珍
Patricia Peir-Jen Tsai
Quang-Hua Chen
Keywords: 證券投資信託股份有限公司;投信業;ISO 9001:2000品質管理系統;創新採用;組織創新;SITE (Securities Investment Trust Enterprise);Securities Investment Trust Industry;ISO 9001:2000 system;Innovation Adoption;Organizational Innovation
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 目前投信業處於同業間激烈競爭、外在經濟環境不穩定的狀態下,在無法掌握外在變動因素,則應以提昇企業內部的競爭優勢為首要。由於投信業之發展侷限於政府法令之規範,因此以「組織創新」之觀念與規劃執行過程,正與企業欲藉由組織架構調整、作業流程效率提升、管理方法改善及客戶滿意度提高之方式達到增加競爭優勢的目的相符。在組織創新的過程中,其五階段之進行過程正與ISO品質管理系統之四模式相符;而推行組織創新的十項要素正與ISO 9001:2000品質管理系統的八大原則其目的一致。 本研究係以投信業在面對外在市場環境激烈競爭的狀況下,須以內部整合與強化體質為首要,可以組織創新之概念,藉由ISO品質管理系統為媒介進行自我提升,而探討其導入之關鍵因素。問卷的設計則以組織創新之環境、技術、組織及人員四項構面來驗證ISO品質管理系統執行之狀況是否與組織創新之概念相同,同時並確認導入關鍵因素之影響度。 在個案研究及問卷分析結果之彙整中,證券投資信託公司導入ISO品質管理系統時,確可達到引進該系統進行公司組織創新之組織架構調整、作業流程效率提升、管理方法改善及客戶滿意度提高四項關鍵因素,並能增進公司之競爭力,以達到持續改進的目的。
Competitiveness enhancement is a priority issue for a Securities Investment Trust Enterprise (SITE) facing an environment of higher competition and unstable macro economic situation. Organizational innovation, through organizational structure adjustment, operation efficiency enhancement, management methodology improvement, and customer satisfactory increase, can create competitive advantages for companies. The five phases of organizational innovation process are consistent with the four modules of ISO system. The ten factors in organizational innovation are also consistent with the eight principles of ISO 9001:2000 system. Facing external keen competition, one top priority for SITE’s is to conduct internal integration to strengthen the competitiveness. This paper studies key success factors for SITE’s to introduce ISO system as a platform for organizational innovation. Questions are designed from four dimensions, namely environment, technology, organization, and personnel, to confirm the consistency between the ISO process and the concepts of organizational innovation. The questionnaire also confirms impacts of key success factors. According to the summary result from case study and questionnaire analysis, SITE’s can have organizational structure adjustment, operation efficiency enhancement, management methodology improvement, and customer satisfactory increase through the introduction of ISO system. The company’s competitiveness can further be strengthened along with continuous review and revision process.
Appears in Collections:Thesis