Title: 定期貨櫃輪船公司以品牌策略影響台灣地區貨運承攬業選擇之研究
A Study of How the Branding Strategy of Container Shipping Lines Influences the Freight Forwarders in the Selection of Carriers in Taiwan Market
Authors: 林福僑
Quang-Hua Chen
Keywords: 多品牌;貨運承攬業者;託運人;Multi-Brand;Freight Forwarder;Shippers;Consignees
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 企業推出多品牌行銷策略,其最終目的是希望能把競爭對手的顧客群拉過來,搶佔競爭對手的市場佔有率,以增加本身的整體市場佔有率,進而提高經營利潤。
全球著名的貨櫃航運集團丹麥馬士基(Maersk)航運公司於1999年併購美國海陸(Sea-Land)輪船公司,又於2005年購下P&O Nedlloyd後,將其品牌合併為一,而長榮集團於1998年買下義大利國營義大利郵船(Lloyd Triestino)公司,並於2002年在英國設立榮發海運公司,在市場上推出多品牌行銷策略,因此在推出品牌策略方面,這兩家航運集團的作法顯然不同。因此,本研究將藉實證以瞭解多品牌行銷策略是否會影響客戶的購買行為。對定期航商而言,貨運承攬業者即是其主要顧客,故本研究的研究目的係從顧客的觀點來驗證瞭解船公司推出多品牌策略是否有助於市場佔有率的提升,以作為海運業界專家與學者的參考。
In the marketplace, we have seen many enterprises adopt multi-branding strategy for their business. Their ultimate purpose is to hope to draw over the rivals’ customers, thus increasing their market share and raising profits.
The container shipping industry is faced with severe competition. Each shipping line has its own marketing strategy in order to secure its market share. Many documents discuss about the critical factors that drive customers to choose their carriers. These elementary factors can roughly be categorized into five aspects, namely the Shippers and Consignees, Economy Factor, Vessels, Containers and Cargoes, and Waiting Time. Apart from these five factors, the multi-branding strategy can also be an advantageous factor in influencing customers on their selection of shipping carriers. However, this has not been discussed yet.
The world’s leading container shipping conglomerate, Maersk Line, merged the U.S. carrier, Sealand Services, in 1999, and lately acquired P& O Nedlloyd in 2005. After the merger and acquisition, Maersk consolidated its brands into one. By contrast, another container shipping giant, the Evergreen group, acquired Italy's state-run company, Lloyd Triestino, in 1998, and further set up its affiliated company, Hatsu Marine, in the U.K. in early 2002. The Evergreen group introduced its three brands in the marketplace. These two shipping consortia apparently take different branding strategy in this field.
Therefore, this document will try to make a study in order to understand if the multi-branding marketing tactics can influence the customers’ purchasing behavior. In the container shipping industry, the freight forwarders are their major customers and will be used as the samples of this research. By so doing, this document would hope to be able to figure out and provide as a reference for the interested parties how the influential factors affect freight forwarders in Taiwan in choosing their business partners - the container shipping lines.
Appears in Collections:Thesis