Title: | 台灣晶圓代工業在新的生態環境下之因應對策-以聯華電子股份有限公司為例 The Strategy of Taiwan IC Foundry for New Ecology - A Case Study of UMC |
Authors: | 柯宗羲 Tsung-Hsi Ko 楊千 Dr. Chyan Yang 高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 台灣晶圓代工;晶圓雙雄;Taiwan IC Foundry;TSMC & UMC |
Issue Date: | 2005 |
Abstract: | 台灣的半導體產業在台積、聯電晶圓雙雄的帶領下,創造出傲人的成績,連續幾年蟬連為國內二兆雙星貢獻出大於一兆之國民生產毛額。由於台灣的成功經驗引來了美、日、韓及新加坡等國家半導體大廠如IBM / Toshiba / Samsung / Chartered紛紛競相宣佈投入晶圓代工的行列。另外,後起之秀的中國大陸中芯、宏力更挾著國家的力量及同文同種的優勢,以不惜代價志在必得氣勢大幅加碼晶圓代工廠,在短期內到2005年底時中國大陸共設立十七座(八座八吋廠、二座十二吋廠、六座六吋廠、一座五吋廠)之晶圓代工廠且繼續增加中,當然,如此競相蓋廠的背後所依恃的理由是中國大陸將是未來半導體產業市場需求成長最快的地區,從2005年到2009年每年之年複合成長率高達23.5%,預計到2009年此產業之市場狀況規模高達9475億人民幣。從產業競爭的角度來看,在高階製程有領先技術競爭者如IBM、Toshiba及Samsung等,基於降低蓋廠風險及提高產能利用率也投入晶圓代工行列,而在低階製程產品方面則有如中芯、宏力、華弘、東部之價格破壞者,採用低價策略以滲透市場。台灣晶圓代工業在高階與低階製程腹背受敵的情況下,再加上台積、聯電2家公司的資本額更高達2473億及1979億之高基期狀況下,如何在有限資源下兼顧興利與防弊。一方面要鞏固市佔率另一方面又要兼顧公司的利潤,應為公司經營者當務之急。本研究將從半導體產業生態的變遷之角度切入,分析找出最適的經營之道做為聯華電子晶圓代工業的未來發展策略。 Under the strong lead by UMC and TSMC, the semiconductor industry in Taiwan has demonstrated the outstanding performance for the past consecutive years. This excellent performance is the great index of the government’s “Two Thousand Billion and Two Stars Projects” and contributes a lot to the country’s G.N.P. Taiwan’s success in semiconductor foundry business has inspired the worldwide elite semiconductor companies, such as IBM, Toshiba, Samsung, Chartered ..etc, to announce their intensive investment in this business. In addition, with the vigorous support by the government of People Republic of China (PRC) and with the advantages of same culture /same languages over other foreign companies, the young competitors SMIC and Grace in mainland China have also largely invested in this foundry business and claimed to achieve the world class level in a short time. They had completed 17 fabs (2 12-inch fabs, 8 8-inch fabs, 6 6-inch fabs, and 1 5-inch fab) by the end of year 2005 and the fab number is still increasing. Obviously, the driving force for building so many fabs in such short time for those companies is that they see the fact that mainland China is currently the strongest growing market in the world for semiconductor chips. The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of semiconductor market in the country is estimated at 23.5% for the period of 2005 to 2009. In addition, the country’s semiconductor market is predicted to reach RMB 947.5 billions in production value by the end of 2009. Under this circumstance, the two Taiwanese foundry giants have encountered great challenges in different aspects. Firstly, the elite players in semiconductor manufacturing who are with the capability of advanced technologies join this foundry business by considering the reduction of the cost risk of fab construction and to increase the utilization capacity of their 12-inch fabs. Secondly, the newcomers in the field who own only low-end technologies acquire the foundry business by taking low-price strategy to penetrate the global market. The new faces in foundry service will provide some viable alternative sources (both advanced and mature technologies) to the Taiwanese leaders. Furthermore, the capitals of UMC and TSMC have reached NT$197.9 billion and NT$247.3 billion respectively already. With very limited resources and intensive competition, retain existing market, develop new market and make higher profits are urgent and immediate topics for the top management in UMC and TSMC. In this research, optimal management strategy for UMC foundry business development from the viewpoints of the transition of this business model is investigated and explored. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/79918 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |