Title: 晶圓代工製程發展模型之研究
A Study of the Process Development Model of IC Foundry Industry
Authors: 謝友嵐
Yeou-Lang Hsieh
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
Keywords: 晶圓代工;製程發展;台積電;IC設計;摩爾定律;IC Foundry;Process Development;TSMC;IC design;Moore’s Law
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 台灣晶圓代工業的產值居於世界之冠,其中TSMC約佔50%,UMC約佔


Taiwan’s IC Foundry industry is prominent in the world, with the TSMC occupies half and the UMC occupies quarter of the world market. Existing studies on IC Foundry Industry only focused on the field of production, marketing, human resources management, finance, etc. This thesis studied the strategies of IC Foundry technology evolution.

Based on Moore’s Law, this study explained how IC price and performance affect the IC fabrication process development. This includes the influence Moore’s Law has on the IC profitability, on the progression of IC performance, on the production advantages, and the substitutability of IC technologies. The IC foundry market can be characterized by four competitive strategies: namely, the cost leadership strategy, the differentiation strategy, the focused customer differentiation strategy and the focused customer low cost strategy. The industry life cycle concept was also used to construct the IC Foundry technology development model.

The IC Foundry technology development model proposed in this study matches with the technology development trajectory of tsmc. Different technology development strategies by different IC foundry service operators are compared and their impacts on IC design houses were discussed. Suggestions on IC Foundry providers, IC design companies, and IDM companies were made.
Appears in Collections:Thesis