Title: | 後摩爾時代晶圓代工產業競爭策略之研究-以T公司為例 The Study Of Wafer Foundry Competition Strategy In Post Moore’s Era – The Case Study of T Company |
Authors: | 陳正中 陳光華 高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | IC半導體產業;晶圓代工產業;摩爾定律;後摩爾時代;IC industry;Moore’s Law |
Issue Date: | 2010 |
Abstract: | 自1947 年12 月16 日,貝爾實驗室的William Shockley、John Bardeen 和Walter Brattain成功利用矽的單向導電的特性成功製成第一個電晶體.電晶體就注定將改變了人類的歷史和生活習慣。時至今日,這種利用半導體製程技術所生產的積體電路(IC) 已經深植在我們的生活的各項產品中,小至玩具,手機,電腦,大到飛機,汽車,衛星,IC 可謂無所不在。 今日我們可以用很低廉的價格享受高度資訊化的服務。就是拜半導體製程技術大幅進步所賜。 70 年代開始的IC產業可說是歐美先進國家的專屬利益。因為牽涉到的是高度的技術整合以及資本投資。所以早期的IC公司都是所謂的整合元件製造公司(IDM)。 也就是IC設計與製造在同一家公司完成。1987年,張忠謀在行政院開發基金的協助下創立了台灣積體電路公司。這是世界上第一個以半導體製程代工為主要業務的公司。公司本身不做設計與銷售的工作。因為這個新的分工模式, 讓新的無晶圓設計公司大量的興起。也帶動了各式各樣新的應用產生。然而,1965 年由Intel公司的創始人之一Gordon E. Moore提出了著名的摩爾定律。 自此以後,經過20 多年的產業競爭,如今證明,晶圓代工的分工模式已經很成功的取代了大部分IDM公司的功能。技術能力與價格都漸漸超越IDM廠,迫使IDM廠關閉不符經濟效益的老舊工廠,並且為了降低投資成本也停止了新技術的投資。 本研究的目的只在以競爭策略理論分析台灣地區晶圓代工產業在後摩爾時代的內外在環境競爭力分析,而發現到其在技術創新,服務創新構面具有優勢,在產品轉換成本與產品價格構面不具有優勢。 Since Bell Lab’s engineers, William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain, successfully developed worldwide first transistor on Dec. 16th, 1947, the transistor has been certainly changed human being’s history and living environment. Now these integrated circuits (IC) manufactured by semiconductor technology have been implemented in various products, for example small devices like toy, mobile phone, computer, big instruments like airplane, automotive, satellite. Today we can pay so low price to enjoy very convenient information service. It also was contributed by high-end advanced semiconductor technology. The IC industry was initialed by Western Developed Countries in 1970. Because IC industry needs high capital for technology and equipment investment, in the initial stage, only Integrated Device Manufacturing (IDM) Company is capable to develop semiconductor technology and IC design. In 1987,Morris Chang created worldwide first Wafer Foundry Company by Taiwan government and Philip’s investment. This company hasn’t own IC product or design. She just provides pure wafer foundry business. By this new business model, numerous fables design houses were built and create more various applications. However in 1965 Intel co-founder Gordon E. Moore proposed a famous law – Moore’s Law. Worldwide semiconductor industry has followed this rule for more than 20 years. Now wafer foundry has been proved as a very successful business model and superior to IDM model, either technology or production cost. IDM was forced to close their old fab and stop new investment. This study is to utilize competition theory to analyze Taiwan wafer foundry company’s competitiveness in post Moore’s Era and to conclude the T company’s advantage in technology innovation and service. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/48504 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |