标题: 研究发展外溢效果对台湾的积体电路公司产出之影响
The Influence of R&D Spillover Effect on the Output of the Integrated Circuit Firms in Taiwan
作者: 陈先齐
Chen, Hsien-chi
Bi-Huei Tsai
关键字: 外溢效果;制程创新;产品创新;工研院;spillover effect;process innovation;product innovation;ITRI
公开日期: 2006
摘要: 本文针对积体电路产业上市上柜公司共93家公司2001年到2004年的资料进行实证研究。主要研究目的为:(1)探讨产业内研发外溢效果对生产力的贡献。(2)探讨制程创新与产品创新的研发外溢效果是否不同。(3)探讨台湾的积体电路设计公司与世界的积体电路设计公司的研发外溢效果是否不同。(4)探讨工研院科专计画对研发外溢效果的影响。(5)探讨公司规模对研发外溢效果的影响。
This study examines the data of 93 integrated circuit (IC) firm-level data during year 2001 to 2004. The main objectives of this study are to understand the following areas : (1) the contribution of intra-industry R&D spillover effect to productivity ; (2) if the R&D spillover effect of process innovation is different from that of product innovation ; (3) if any significant differences between the R&D spillover effect of the IC design firms in Taiwan and that of the IC design firms worldwide ; (4) the influence of ITRI S&T project on the R&D spillover effect ;(5) the influence of firm size on R&D spillover effect.
The empirical evidence shows the following findings : (1) the R&D spillover effect makes positive contribution to productivity ; (2)the R&D spillover effect of process innovation is larger than that of product innovation ; (3) the R&D spillover effect of the IC design firms in Taiwan is larger than that of IC design firms worldwide ; (4)the ITRI S&T project has negative effects on the R&D spillover effect of IC process firms in Taiwan, but has no significant effects on that of Taiwan’s IC design firms ; (5) firm size has negative effects on the R&D spillover effect of IC process firms in Taiwan, but has no significant effects on that of Taiwan’s IC design firms.