標題: 問題教學方法、實做教學方法與認知活動型態及學習結果之關係-以組織學習文化為調節變數
The Relationships among Inquiry Teaching, Practice Teaching, Cognitive Activity, and Outcomes of Learning –Taking Organization's Learning Culture as a Moderator
作者: 李燕萍
Yen-Ping Lee
Yau-De Wang
關鍵字: 問題教學方法;實做教學方法;教學方法;認知活動型態;組織學習文化;第一環學習;第二環學習;inquiry style;learning by doing;teaching method;cognitive activity;organization's learning culture;first-loop learning;second-loop learning
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本研究旨在探討問題教學方法、實做教學方法與認知活動型態及學習結果之關係,並瞭解教學方法與組織學習文化的交互作用對學習結果的影響。學習結果包括第一環學習與第二環學習,因第二環學習很少發生在大部分的組織當中,因此研究著重在如何達到第二環學習結果。研究對象為不限產業別的管理者,以問卷收集資料,回收有效問卷184份。 研究結果顯示,問題教學方法對抽象概念與具體經驗認知活動型態有正向的影響。實做教學方法對反應觀察、抽象概念、主動實驗及具體經驗四種認知活動型態有正向的影響。反應觀察與抽象概念兩種認知活動型態對第二環學習有正向的影響。兩種教學方法對第二環學習都有顯著的正向影響。 組織學習文化包括更新心智模式、鼓勵創新、持續學習、長期改善、共同改善手法及尊重。問題教學方法與長期改善、尊重的交互作用對第二環學習有正向的影響,與共同改善手法的交互作用對第二環學習有負向的影響。實做教學方法與長期改善的交互作用對第二環學習有正向的影響。
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between inquiry teaching, practice teaching, cognitive activity and outcomes of learning. Furthermore, we investigated interaction effects of teaching method and organization's culture of learning on the outcomes of learning. Results of learning included the attainment of first loop learning and the attainment of second loop learning. This study aimed to examine the factors that influence the attainment of second loop learning, an issue that had been neglected in the literature. Data were collected from a sample of managers from 184 companies in various industries. One manager from each company responded to the questionnaire of this study. The result indicates that inquiry-style teaching method has a positive effect on learner's abstract-conceptualization type and concrete-experience type of cognitive activity. The learning-by-doing method of teaching has a positive effect on learner's reflective-observation, abstract-conceptualization, active-experimentation, and concrete-experience types of cognitive activity. The reflective-observation and abstract-conceptualization types of cognitive activity have a positive effect on the second loop learning. Both inquiry-style and learning-by-doing teaching methods are positively related to the attainment of second loop learning. Organization's learning culture was found to include the atmospheres of active improvement in mental model, encouragement of innovation, continuous learning of new knowledge, long-term performance improvement, sharing of tool for quality enhancement, and respect to each other's professions. The inquiry-style of teaching, long-term improvement, and respect to each other's professions interactively affect the attainment of the second loop learning. However, the inquiry-style of teaching and the sharing of tool for quality enhancement have a negative interaction effect on the attainment of the second loop learning. The learning-by-doing teaching method and the culture of long-term performance improvement have a significant positive interaction effect on the attainment of second loop learning.
Appears in Collections:Thesis