Title: 影響交通違規舉發公平知覺因素之探討--以新竹市為例
A study of perceived fairness on traffic violation citation: taking Hsinchu City as an example
Authors: 吳春絲
Dr. Yan-De Wang
Keywords: 分配公平;程序公平;互動公平;情境公平;Distributive Justice;Procedural Justice;Interactional Justice;Situational Justice
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 本研究探討何種因素會影響交通違規人在面對警察違規舉發時的公平知覺感受,研究結果顯示:「舉發違規項目正確性」、「執法一致性」、警察與違規人「正面互動」、「執法社會情理文化考量」等因素會影響違規人「知覺公平」感受;而警察舉發違規項目正確性、警察執法立場偏頗、警察違規舉發時未考量社會情理文化、執法受人情關說影響、未考量道路狀況、違規者年齡等因素,會影響違規人「知覺不公平」的感受。 有別於傳統公平知覺相關研究僅著重在分配公平、程序公平與互動公平三面向,本文依情境狀況對人公平知覺感受的影響,提出情境公平構念,並於本文研究中證實情境公平會影響違規人「知覺公平」與「知覺不公平」感受,尤其在影響「知覺不公平」的三個變數「執法社會情理文化考量」、「人情關說」、「道路狀況」,假說檢驗上均獲支持,驗證此三變數會影響違規人知覺不公平的感受。 另本研究發現類似Herzberg (1959)所提雙因子理論概念,影響違規人公平知覺感受並非如傳統二分法觀點「知覺公平」的反面是「知覺不公平」,知覺公不公平係屬於雙重連續帶的關係,即是「公平」(fairness)的反面是「沒有公平」(no fairness),而「不公平」(unfairness)的反面是「沒有不公平」(no unfairness)。 本研究之結果除可提供警察單位作為提升交通執法品質改進之參考外,並提供政府民眾交通行為教育設計之依據,以預防並減少民眾的違規行為。
The purpose of this study is to examine the factors the affect the perceived fairness of the traffic violators on their citations. The results show that police’ correct use of the law articles in determining violation punishment, the consistency in enforcement, the positive interpersonal interaction between police officers and violators, and the cultural factors all increased violators’ perceived fairness of their violation citations. In addition, the correct use of law articles, police’ biases, unconcern about the situational factors that cause violations, fix-up in law enforcement, and the age of violator were related with the perceived unfairness in the violators. In addition to uncovering the effect of the distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice on traffic violators’ perceived fairness and unfairness, this study also found an effect from the situational factors on the perceived fairness and unfairness. Three situational factors, law enforcers’ concerns about the norm of harmonious interpersonal relationship, fix-up in law enforcement, and road conditions, all are related to the violators’ perceived unfairness. Paralleled with the two motivational factors uncovered in Herzberg’s study, two dimensions of fairness perception were uncovered in this study—perceived fairness and perceived unfairness. The dimensions are orthogonal to each other. No perceived unfairness does not imply a perceived fairness. This study found that factors that lead to perceived fairness are different from the factors that lead to perceived unfairness. The findings of this study not only provide information for the police on improving their law enforcement on traffic violations, but also make suggestions to government on designing public educations for preventing and reducing traffic violations.
Appears in Collections:Thesis