Title: | 鏡象與心影的對話-部落客之自我對話與自我認同的關係 Dialogue of the Heart Reflection and the Mirror Image :The Study of the Relation Between Blogger’s Self Dialogue and Self Identity |
Authors: | 呂淑蓮 Shu-Lien Lu 王耀德 Yau-De Wang 管理學院管理科學學程 |
Keywords: | 部落客;自我認同;自我對話;周哈里窗;真實世界;虛擬世界;blogger;self identity;self dialogue;Johari Window;real world;virtual world |
Issue Date: | 2005 |
Abstract: | 本研究從部落格的定義展開討論,自正向自我對話出發,關注部落格使用特性,探討這些變項與部落客真實世界、虛擬世界之自我認同的影響效果。經由網路問卷方式取得301份樣本(有效樣本291份),研究結果分述如下: 一、部落客的正向自我對話與其真實世界、虛擬世界(部落格)之自我認同具有正向關係。 二、部落客人口特性中,僅年齡與部落客真實世界之正向自我認同具有接近顯著的正向關係。 三、存有交互作用時,部落客的教育程度愈高、網齡愈短,其正向自我對話與其真實世界之正向自我認同之正向關係愈強;部落客的年齡愈小,其正向自我對話與其真實世界之開放自我認同之正向關係愈強。 四、部落格使用特性中,建置部落格時間與部落客真實世界之自我認同具有顯著的正向關係;而部落客所獲得閱聽者回應數則與其虛擬世界(部落格)之自我認同具有顯著的正向關係。 五、透過集群分析,歸納出五類具代表特質之部落客類型:形象精英型、隱匿魅影型、淡泊隱士型、自在井蛙型與樂天赤子型。 至於未來研究方向,則建議可朝更多樣的部落格型態、不同性別部落客之差異性、甚至是具更多元的部落格使用特性,如:廣播電台功能之播客(podcasting),進行不同面向地探討。 The purpose of this study was to explore the relation of blogger's self identity and the style of blog usage. It also profiled with several variables such as self dialogue and demographic, especially focus on the positive and negative affections. This study employed the online survey method. The questionnaires were administered to be written by bloggers around the Wretch website, and 291 valid samples were collected. Data was statistically analyzed and the empirical results were summarized as following: 1.Results revealed that the blogger's self dialogue had a significant positive relation with blogger's self identity in real world and virtual world. 2.The age of the blogger's is the only one demographic had the near significant positive relation with blogger's positive self identity in real world. 3.The results indicated that blogger's education level and their internet-using history have a significant interaction effect on self dialogue, the group of higher education and shorter internet-using history, that blogger's self dialogue had a stronger positive relation with blogger's positive self identity in real world. The group who are younger, that blogger's self dialogue had a stronger positive relation with blogger's open self identity in virtual world. 4.The time of how long the blog had been built had a significant positive relation with blogger's self identity in real world, and the amount of reader's response had a significant positive relation with blogger's self identity in virtual world, but there is no significant interaction between these variables. 5.According to the results of a cluster analysis, bloggers can be categorized into 5 groups: image elite, fictitious hero, hidden recluse, freely frog and carefree boy. As to the future research, this study suggested that further researchers could explore the factors of blog and discuss the findings both in terms of theoretical developments and of practical managerial implications. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/79962 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |