標題: S-DBR應用於具迴流特性製造業之可行性研究
A Feasibility Research on the S-DBR Applied to Manufacturing with Reentrant Flow
作者: 王傳順
Rong-Kwei Li
關鍵字: 簡化型限制驅導式排程法;限制理論;交期管理;達交率;迴流製程;Simplified Drum-Buffer-Rope;S-DBR;TOC;Due-date Management;Due-date Performance;Reentrant Flow
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 限制驅導式排程與管理技術已成功應用在許多的產業上,針對以市場需求作為主要瓶頸的簡化型限制驅導式排程法 (Simplied Drum-Buffer-Rope, S-DBR),目前已知可適用於生產型態沒有迴流的工廠。本研究想要討論的問題是,S-DBR的理論與做法對於迴流的生產環境,其交期控制架構是否能有效控制訂單的交期。本研究提出個案公司實務作法與簡化型限制驅導式排程法的差異比較,同時討論導入S-DBR可能產生的後遺症,提出相對應的解決方案,進而發展晶圓製造業迴流製程環境中導入S-DBR的做法。經由Job Shop遊戲之模擬驗證,可以發現在迴流的製造程序中,S-DBR的做法能夠確保良好的產品達交率以及良好的生產週期績效。另一方面也發現,業界可朝向縮短生產週期時間的方向來提昇公司的競爭力,同時產出並不會減少,產品達交率仍可維持100%。本論文同時也比較關鍵比值法與緩衝狀態法兩個派工方法應用在S-DBR的差異,其中緩衝狀態法在生產週期時間的績效方面明顯優於關鍵比值法,其他方面如產品達交率與瓶頸利用率,兩者之間並無明顯差異。
The methodology of TOC Drum-Buffer-Rope (DBR) has proved its practicality by increasing successful implementations. In reentrant production environments, however, there are few discussions about the implementation of Simplified Drum-Buffer-Rope (S-DBR). The purpose of this research is to verify the feasibility of S-DBR applied to manufacturing with reentrant flow. Additionally it also discussed the potential side effects with implementing S-DBR in the wafer Fab and issued the relative solutions. It would like be known if the S-DBR methodology is effective in due date performance, bottleneck utilization and cycle time performance. Through multiple and random experiments, feasibility and excellent due-date performance are verified by using Job-Shop simulation model. Besides, simulation results showed that buffer status would be more preferable than critical ratio (CR) due to its better cycle time performance on choosing dispatching rules.
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