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dc.contributor.authorHsi-Lin Tsaien_US
dc.contributor.authorDr.Ruey-Shun Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract近幾年射頻識別發展配合電子產品碼標準的推行,自動識別的研究逐漸由條碼轉向無線射頻,由於射頻識別無法百分之百讀取的問題,加上EPCglobal尚未完成物件追蹤標準的訂定,由已公開的規格,無法有效追蹤物件動向,現有的網路系統環境無法使用EPCglobal架構來搜尋物件的動態資訊,不能滿足供應鏈中多種角色的需要。 本論文提出使用EPC全球網路服務機制來解決讀取不完整的問題。前端讀取器讀取RFID標籤資料內容後,利用EPC-IS系統功能,預先設定物件與承載棧板間RFID標籤從屬的關係,以解決物件讀取率的問題。利用一個紙箱製作、生產及運送實例,來說明EPC全球網路服務,在紙箱出貨過程中,使用Web Serveice的方法,對記錄追蹤主機註冊所有狀態,讓物件經過各讀取器節點時,均能留下紀錄,這樣就可以完成物件追蹤的目的。 本研究結果,在讀取率方面,透過關聯性連結紙箱與品項物件間的關係,均能完全正確讀取,在全球物件追蹤方面,使用EPC全球網路的標準及提出物件追蹤紀錄的功能,經由訂單號碼或EPC,能隨時瞭解貨物動態資訊,對紙箱在途數量管控可以更精確,讓企業節省可觀的庫存成本。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system is being gradually replaced by the Electronic Product Code (EPC) as a standard. This is because the RFID system could not completely read the information present. However, the EPC global is not yet a complete standard, because according to the published specifications, it can not track or traced objects/products. Users can not search products on the internet using EPC global system to keep track of the products and to satisfy the supply chain. This research proposed that we use the EPC global system to resolved the incomplete reading of information from product labels by the RFID system. The reader scanned the information from product labels, then using EPC-IS system function to build a connection between the product and pallet. Take for example, the case of producing cardboard boxes in the supply chain to explain the EPCglobal system. Once the product label for the cardboard boxes were scanned and are shipped out the warehouse, we can use the web service to keep track of the boxes and trace the location of the boxes anywhere in the supply chain whenever the boxes pass through a data reader that will log and store the product information and its present location. The results of our study showed that by linking the RFID with the EPC system to link the product and pallet, all product information can be read and allowed global object tracking. Using EPC global network standard and our tracing recording function you can query the status of the product by using the order number. This will enable the enterprise to effectively monitor its products and reduce costs.en_US
dc.subjectRadio Frequency Identification(RFID)en_US
dc.subjectElectronic Product Code(EPC)en_US
dc.subjectBar Codeen_US
dc.titleUsing EPC Global Network Infrastructure To Identify RFID Objecten_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis