標題: 資訊軟體委外的趨勢與機會分析
The Trend and Opportunities of Software Outsourcing
作者: 陳鴻毅
Hong-I Chen
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
關鍵字: 資訊委外;印度軟體委外服務;軟體品質;Software Outsourcing;Software Outsourcing in India;CMMI
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 近年來由於全球競爭加劇,企業在節省營運成本及提升核心競爭力的考量下,逐漸將許多非核心的業務委外。雖然資訊技術可以有效地提昇企業的營運績效,但由於其技術難度和複雜度不斷地升高,因此資訊系統委外已成為企業委外的主要項目。 印度軟體委外服務成功的要素包括:政府提供良好的軟體發展環境及優惠政策、廠商積極經營軟體委外服務、注重軟體品質提升、資訊教育強調專業分工與產學結合、流利的英文溝通能力以及天時與地利的配合等關鍵因素。而探討國內科技製造業的委外需求則發現,軟體委外以局部委外為主要需求,廠商會從企業整體效率考量是否進行委外,以及那些部份可以委外;而廠商最顧慮的問題則是委外品質及資訊安全。研究中也發現,國內對於軟體租賃的需求目前依然偏低。 本研究建議軟體委外服務廠商,可應用垂直分工與水平整合的策略,朝向大型軟體委外服務商邁進,同時業者也應提升軟體工程與品質的能力,並取得CMMI認證。未來,業者更需提升軟體架構設計能力、建立兩岸分工的營運模式,進一步將委外服務中較低階的工作再委外給大陸代工,以期能依據本身優勢,朝專精化發展。而政府則應積極改善資訊教育,以提升國內軟體人才素質;除了鼓勵軟體委外服務廠商朝大型化發展之外,也應積極吸引國際廠商來台設立軟體研發據點,以提升軟體委外服務業的整體的競爭優勢。
Under intensified global competition, enterprises tend to reduce costs and increase their core competences by outsourcing non-core business activities. Information technology outsourcing has become a trend. The key success factors of software outsourcing industry in India include: a large supply of software talents, low wages, fluent English communication skills, and favorable government policies. The high-tech manufacturing companies in Taiwan tend to outsource only non-core software instead of the whole software system. They are concerned of software quality, operations efficiency, and business security rather than the outsourcing cost. They have little demand for software rental service. This research suggests software outsourcing vendors in Taiwan utilize the strategies of vertical disintegration and horizontal integration to build up alliances to compete against global software giants. Outsource vendors must ensure the quality of their software and obtain the accreditation of CMMI. Low value-added jobs should be outsourced to lower-wage countries, such as China. Taiwanese software houses should be consolidated to form large-scale software service providers in order to be competitive with global software outsource providers.