標題: 從智慧財產組合分析企業經營模式-以發展下一代行動通訊技術廠商為例
Business Models and IP Portfolios of Next-Generation Cellular Communication
作者: 黃蘭惠
Huang, Lan-Hui
Liu, Shang-Jyh
關鍵字: 智慧財產組合;經營模式;下一代行動通訊;Intellectual property portfolio;Business model;The next generation mobile communication
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 近年來智慧財產對企業的重要程度與日俱增,無論是作為發展商業策略與企業經營模式的依據,或是利用專利、商標、著作權等來作為攻擊、防禦的利器,都需要了解企業本身所具有的智慧財產組合。 從歷史經驗可以觀察到,通訊產業每十年就會進入一個新的技術世代,如1970年開始發展的1G、1980年代的2G到1990年代的3G,目前全球資訊與通訊產業則已如火如荼的產開下一代行動通訊技術的研究發展。本研究以發展下一代通訊技術的三大行動電話廠商為例,利用關鍵技術與專利指標進行技術專利分析,觀察分析後產生的資訊;另外並蒐集廠商近年來所申請的設計專利與商標,探討三家行動通訊廠商在發展技術、設計專利與商標申請上的差異,與其對經營模式要素所產生的影響,並藉以了解產業技術發展趨勢。 從研究結果可以發現下一代通訊技術正處於成長期的階段,各通訊大廠均已進行積極的專利布署,我國企業除了採取基本的授權、迴避已有專利保護之技術與設計專利,或者進一步透過聯盟與共同開發的策略藉以提高對上游的議價能力之外,此時若能夠積極加入通訊組織,參與產業標準制訂,絕對有助於提升本國通訊產業的競爭優勢。
In the knowledge-based economy era, intellectual property plays an important role in business, a well administration of intellectual property portfolio will help corporations to enhance the competition, it is not only offensive and defensive measures but also a guide to making business model and strategy. From the observation on pace of history, the mobile communication industry moves a step up to a new era every 10 years, the fourth generation mobile communication is the most advanced technology at the present time, many information technology and mobile communication companies have engaged in costly Research and development. Nokia、Motorola and Samsung are leader companies in mobile field, this research focuses on the analysis of OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) related patents、designed patents and trademark for the 3 companies and tried to figure out the impact on a corporations' business model. Part of the result in this research indicates the technical development of next generation communication located in emerging period. In addition to licensing、alliance or co-development strategy, Taiwanese corporations may consider to join and involve in the industry standard making, this will definitely earn competition advantages in mobile communication industry.