Title: | 禽流感之BCP(企業營運持續計畫)建置與應用研究 以TFT廠為例 Study on Business Continuity Plan for Bird Flu and Its Establishment- An Example of TFT LCD Company |
Authors: | 虞佳 Chia Yu 陳俊勳 Chiun-Hsun Chen 工學院產業安全與防災學程 |
Keywords: | 禽流感;企業營運持續計劃;企業營運持續管理;在家工作方案;供應鏈管理;Bird Flu;Business Continuity Plan;Home Working Plan;Supply Chain Management;Business Continuity Management |
Issue Date: | 2006 |
Abstract: | H5N1禽流感疫情,持續地威脅到禽鳥類與人類的生命健康,截至2007/6/25已有315位確定案例及191位死亡案例。台灣一旦成為疫區,各企業即將面臨勞工無法正常出勤導致生產中斷,或是進貨、出貨等異常狀況,而影響企業之供應鏈(Supply Chain),造成企業無法營運持續之重大影響,因此本文引用賽門決策理論之架構,希望提供業界一套建置「企業營運持續管理」模型,將BCM建置之流程區分為:準備階段、發展策略階段、BCP計畫發展階段及計畫矯正階段四個步驟,並詳細說明各步驟之參與者及負責之工作,以及實務上如何建置一套能使組織面對各類型重大風險之企業營運持續計畫(BCP)。
最後結論與建議,提出以「特定風險評估」方式,直接針對嚴重度高但發生機率低之風險予以評估,提供企業於資源、人力及時間有限之考量下,以最低成本達成最大效益之方法;另外亦針對推動BCP及建置禽流感BCP之過程所遭遇之問題,提出個人淺見。 Infection with avian influenza viruses, H5N1, has infected the health of humans and Birds. There are 271 cases confirmed and 113 cases have been fatal to 2007/2/3. If Taiwan become affected area, there will be caused a lot of companys’ business interruption. It is due to the absence of employee, abnormal of supply chain, and so on. In this thesis, reference the Simon’s theory of Administrative Behavior to build a model of Business continuity Plan. There are including emergency watch, emergency response, crisis management, business recovery, and the role and responsibility of them. The purpose is to provide enterprises to control all kind of risk via the BCP. How an enterprise of TFT LCD does, there are 2~3 thousands of employees, avoid the interruption because the Bird Flu spread? It’s necessary to complete the preparedness through building a Business Continuity Plan of preventing Bird Flu. It adopt the BCP model above mentioned in this thesis to develop the policy of reducing the threat of bird flu on business continuity, this plan is conducted as the guideline of epidemic prevention to build a safe and healthy work environment and assure the business continuity. In the mean while, home working plan and supply chain maintenance are the most strategies to cope with the Avian Influenza. The final conclusion and suggestion brought the assessment for special risk in company, and assessed the risk which is high seriousness and low probability directly. It provided the best solution when the companies haven’t enough resources, manpower and time. On the other hand, the problems via establishing the Business Continuity Plan and BCP for Bird Flu are provided by author. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/80046 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |