Title: 海龍替代系統FM-200在銅箔基板業應用設計----塗佈區火災防護為例說明
The Design Application of FM-200 System for Copper Clad Laminate factory
Authors: 劉耀淋
陳 俊 瑜
陳 俊 勳
Keywords: 塗佈製程;靜電;海龍替代品;coating process;static electricity;clean agent
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 在PCB供應鏈前段的銅箔基板製造業其所使用之消防安全設備於現行國內消防法令規範之中適用上,有因為樓地板面積因素僅需設置滅火器與室內消防栓等簡易消防設備即符合法規要求,但是在上膠塗佈區危險因子相當多,以塗佈製程屬火災危害嚴重度最高之製程,因為在此一階段係將玻璃布經由數十個導輪引導進入裝滿低燃點丁酮等溶劑調配之上膠黏液,此時玻璃布因靜電消除不良而累積大量之靜電進入製程潛在發火危險性,而引起火災因素分析以玻璃布與驅動滾輪之間因摩擦剝離等作用產生之靜電火花潛在因子最危險。
本論文案例係以某T公司在2007年因市場競爭與成本降低需求,不斷提升各項基板的性能需要:改變溶劑配方、加大布幅寬度與提高製程溫度與機速後,引發三次火警事件由專案小組調查與改善資料彙整分析。靜電消除失效因素可分幾類,在文中條列說明。一般生產條件變更時其防火安全設計與安全考量因子必須隨之變動,所以分析塗佈區作業火災的發生,據此將從危害程度最高之靜電火花提出改進意見,依NFPA 2001規定模擬建置海龍替代系統架構,由氣密試驗推算保持時間與有效藥劑保護高度大於被保護物高度符合規定之案例。
The fire code is required fire hydrant system and extinguisher based on the size of flooring for the Copper Clad Laminate (CCL) facility currently in Taiwan. There is no specific fire protection system required. However, the highly potential fire risk in the adhesive coating process, the adhesive coated on the glass fiber that included low flash point solvent, e.g. MEK. That may be accumulated a huge amount of static electricity when the roller push forward the fiber glass, and then ignite the solvent to catch fire incident.
The thesis case had T company in 2007 the requirement due to the CCL demand increased and takes the concept of cost down in the competitive market. In order to deal with functional requirement, the manufacturer adopted high speed and high temperature process and also reform the prescription, so that increase the fire risk.
Because the technique of process quick grows up, the fire protection design and safety concern have to follow the changes. The purpose of this research is to recognize the fire risk and apply Halon substitute for the fire protection design in the adhesive coating process, also proposed the improvement in the static electricity elimination to avoid the fire incident.
The fire control is the critical concern in the adhesive coating process, in addition to perform hazard assessment and risk management to control the risk, establish emergency response plan in advance so that ensure the factory safely. In case of the fire occurred, the system is able to have bearing on the function immediately. Apply a stable and efficient fire prevention system, also concern about the worker safety and environmental protection to adopt the lower hazardous of extinguisher system, e.g. FM200 to make sure that provided with economy and effective fire safety equipment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis