Title: 保護Java程式之研究
A Study of Protecting Java Code
Authors: 陳承駿
I-Chen Wu
Keywords: 混淆器;類別載入器;簽章;加密;位元組碼;虛擬機器;Obfuscator;ClassLoader;Signature;Encrypt;Byte Code;JVM
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 一個Java程式首先必須經由Java編譯器編譯成位元碼,以類別檔的格式存在,才能被Java虛擬機器所執行。由於Java程式採用兩段式編譯,使中間碼反組譯的程式碼和原始碼相當接近,容易被反編譯,因此容易被破解。


A Java program must be compiled to byte code first, stored as a class file format, and then executed by a Java Virtual Machine. Since Java programs use 2-phase compilation, the byte code can be deassembled to a Java program that would look very close to the right, so it is easy to be compromised.

To protect class file not to be compromised, we usually use obfuscation or customization classloader. But obfuscation only can increase some difficulty. After obfuscating, hacker still can attack by tracing code from some standard APIs, such as java.net.Scoket. Customization classloader can load the class file which can be identified. For example, let JVM only be able to load the class file which already be encrypted. But customization classloader still is a byte code. There has the risk to be de-compiled.

This thesis focuses on above problems to provide another solution that is using encryption or signature in all class files. Protect class file not only de-compiled but also be executed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis