Title: 機構典藏網站功能研究與實作
Study and Implementation on Institutional Repositories Website
Authors: 羅淑美
Shu-Mei Lo
Hao-Ren Ke
Keywords: 機構典藏;內容分析;DSpace;Institutional Repositories;Content Analysis
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 本研究透過文獻閱讀、內容分析、系統實作等研究方法進行機構典藏網站之功能分析與系統建置。首先閱讀文獻以了解開放取用和機構典藏之定義與相關議題;繼而根據上海交通大學所公佈之2006世界百大排名、文獻儲存量、各系統創始學校及中文語系等評定標準,針對擁有機構典藏的學校,並以排行前三大系統之DSpace、EPrints、Bepress為分析標的,篩選出34所具代表性的大學機構典藏系統為樣本,並瀏覽世界近300所機構典藏網站功能,以內容分析法觀測目前國內外大學機構典藏網站的發展現況,作為初期建構機構典藏系統平台時所需具備之基礎功能項目。   研究結果發現,機構典藏系統平台著重之基本功能項目為:社群瀏覽、日期瀏覽、限定範圍檢索、快速檢索、進階檢索、分頁檢索呈現、繁目提供、全文下載、紀錄更新與作業日期、Metadata呈現、支援多媒體檔案類型、多國語言支援、能讓搜尋引擎找到、OAI書目擷取、網頁設計、操作介面、整體配置、網頁解析度、標明記載出處來源,重點都放在典藏內容資料檢索、瀏覽、長久保存與其它系統之互通性等功能面。   在系統實作部份,透過內容分析結果增修系統程式與功能,提升系統效能與後端管理,進行中文化及客製化程式修改;內容建置部分,設計資料處理流程,陸續擬訂相關作業文件,並主動蒐集機構內可公開之學術作品清單及全文、著作查核與授權、建立Metadata、開放OAI-PMH等管理流程。最後依據文獻探討、內容分析及系統實作和實際規劃運作機構典藏的經驗,歸納成結論與建議,提供大學在建置機構典藏系統功能服務之參考。
In this study, the researcher investigated the functions of institutional repository (IR) Websites by means of literature review and content analysis. On the basis of the analysis results, the researcher implements the IR Website of National Tsing Hua University. In order to understand the definition and related issues of open access and institutional repository, the researcher reviewed literature, selected 34 representative universities according to the following criteria: (1) among the top one-hundred universities ranked by Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2006, (2) using three main IR softwares, DSpace, E-Prints and Bepress, (3) amount of documents in their IR systems, (4) schools creating these systems, and (5) primarily using Chinese language. The IR Websites of those chosen universities are measured by the content analysis methodology, and the criteria of evaluation are drawn up after observing the functions of more than 300 worldwide IR Websites.   It was found in the results that the basic and important functions of IR systems includes: browsing by community, bowsing by date, general search, quick search, advanced search, display of search results in pages, provision of detailed list, full text downloading, recording update and maintenance dates, Metadata, supporting multi-media file,supporting multi language, indexed by search engines, supporting OAI-PMH, webpage design, user interface, overall layout, resolution of the webpage, and marking the source of record. The focuses lie in the search, browse, long-term preservation, and interoperability with other systems.   According to the results of the content analysis, the researcher added and amended the program and function of the system, promoted the effectiveness of the system and advanced back-end management, and further did localization and customized program amendment. For constructing content, the researcher designed data processing process and drafted related policies and documents one after another, actively collected academic literature list and full text which can be made public within institutions, checked and authorized works, set up Metadata, and opened OAI-PMH etc. Finally, this research generalized some conclusions and suggestions from the system practice and the experiences of planning and running of the institutional repository system and provided references for universities in constructing their functions and services in the institutional repository system.
Appears in Collections:Thesis