標題: 海軍艦艇應用細水霧滅火效能之探討
Efficiency Discussion of Water Mist Fire Suppression Application in Naval Ship
作者: 隋增輝
Tseng-Hui , Sui
Chiun-Hsun , Chen
關鍵字: 海軍艦艇;電腦模擬;FIREDASS;FDS;Naval Ship;Computer Simulation;FIREDASS;FDS
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 過去歷次艦艇所發生之火災均造成相當程度的損失,是以如何在火災初期即有效撲滅火勢與控制煙霧擴散,以確保航安、人安與物安乃為本研究之重要課題。細水霧系統因具有諸如:較好之火災抑制能力、煙霧吸附力、較低的水損、無毒、安全及環保等優點,導致海龍(Halon)滅火系統於蒙特婁公約(Montreal Protocol)簽署實行而中止使用後,獲得全世界一致認同。 此外由於電腦的運算速度突飛猛進、硬體價格下滑、性能式設計興起,以及火場電腦模擬技術漸趨成熟等因素,使得電腦模擬成為評估防火功能與火場模擬的最佳工具。依照實際環境之特性與條件,透過電腦數值模擬之方式模擬不同的危害情境,並依據分析結論訂定妥善之防(滅)火與救災計畫,除可節約實體驗證的時程與成本外,亦可提升艦艇火災安全防護能力,使火損與煙損降至最低程度,確保海上航行安全。 電腦模擬為非常適合用以驗證細水霧系統功能及效益性的工具,在本論文裡,使用電腦模擬平台來驗證細水霧系統在艦艇輪機主要艙間之應用,由模擬的結果得知,細水霧滅火系統於自然通風或強制通風的狀態下均可有效抑制火災,另相較於海軍艦艇其它現行之滅火系統,其火災抑制效能亦較為優異。
In the past, all previous fire taken place of naval ships caused intolerable loss cost. So how to put out the intensity of a fire effectively in initial stage and control the smog to spread, in order to really guarantee navigation, personal and equipment safety is an important subject of this thesis. Because of water mist system providing the following advantages over other suppression systems, such as superior fire suppression, smoke absorption capability, minimal water damage, non-toxicity, safety and environmentally friendly, it has gained worldwide acceptance as an effective solution in many applications after the phase out of Halon production under the Montreal Protocol. In addition, because calculating speed of computer advance by leaps and bounds, hardware price goes down, PBD(Performance-Based Design) concept is rising, and computer modeling simulation technology getting maturity, those make computer modeling become an effective tool to evaluate the fire-proof function and simulate fire scenario. According to the characteristic and condition of the real environment, the computer can simulate different type of disasters by the way of numerical simulation and stipulate an appropriate fire protection and disaster relief plan following the conclusion. It’s not only save time and cost of physical test and evaluation, but also improves naval ship’s capability of fire protection which makes the lose cost of fire drop to the minimum degree and guarantee the maritime navigation safety. Computer simulation is a suitable tool to identify the systematic function and benefit of water mist system. In this thesis, we use computer simulation platform to prove the possibility of application of water mist system in naval ship’s main machinery spaces. According to the results of simulation, water mist system can suppresses the fire effectively under the situation of non- ventilation or forced ventilation. Another looks, relatively in other current fire extinguishing systems of naval ship, it is also comparatively excellent that its fire suppresses efficiency.