標題: | 機坪作業安全模式研究 A Case Study on Airport Ramp Safety |
作者: | 鄭□理 Heng-Li Cheng 汪進財 Jinn-Tsai Wong 管理學院運輸物流學程 |
關鍵字: | 航空地勤作業;機坪安全;Ground Handling;Ramp Safety |
公開日期: | 2005 |
摘要: | 航機停留於機坪之作業時間皆極為短暫,相關之航空地勤作業人員必須在有限的時間內完成所有的航機準備工作;而且若遇到航班延誤抵達之狀況時,有可能因為原先排定的作業時間遭到壓縮,使得作業人員在航機準時離場的壓力下,更容易造成作業疏失。此外,航機停留於機坪上執行各項地面作業時,航機四周佈滿各式各樣之作業車輛、機具及人員。在擁擠的作業空間中同時進行各項航機之準備作業過程中,稍有不慎,就可能發生作業車輛、機具和航機的碰撞事件,嚴重者甚至會影響到航機的適航性及後續的派遣任務。根據飛安基金會的統計,全球的航空業每年大約有接近50億美元的損失是因為機坪作業事故所造成的。國際航空運輸協會(IATA)更在其「Safety Report 2004 CEO Brief」中,將航機的地面損傷(Ground Damage)事件,名列於2004年影響航空安全的五大重要議題(Top 5 Issues)之中。 本研究以航空地勤公司所執行之各項航機地面作業為主要研究範圍,藉由蒐集個案公司歷年來所發生之航機地面損傷事件各項資料,進行統計分析,以發掘航機地面損傷事件之發生率與嚴重性。再以此為基礎來架構航空地勤公司之作業安全評量模式,該評量模式不僅能針對機坪上之航機作業安全性進行評估,亦能進一步去瞭解其潛在之風險,以作為後續於進行各項作業安全改善時之重要依據,並可藉此來預防航機於機坪作業時所可能發生之航機損傷事件。 Ramp operations suffering time pressure, all flight preparations have to be done within limited period and tend to make mistakes especially when arrival flights delay. Furthermore, there are so many airside GSE (Ground Support Equipment) and operators working at the same time around aircraft within limited space that might hit and damage the aircraft during ground operation. The damage to aircraft might cause long delay and flight reschedule. According to Flight Safety Foundation estimates, losses from apron damage are costing the world’s air carriers in the vicinity of US$ 5 billion every year. “Ground Damage” also on “IATA(International Air Transport Association)Safety Report 2004 CEO Brief” - Top 5 Issues list. This thesis is mainly concerned on airline service company’s ramp operations. By collecting, statistic and analyze all relevant data of each ground damage case that caused by the case company in the past to find out the more frequent, more severe points. Then set up airline service company’s ramp operation evaluate pattern based on above information. This pattern could not only check ramp operation safety, but also realize the latent hazard that will be the basis for further improvement on ramp operation safety. The adoption of this pattern could also prevent aircraft ground damage caused by airline service company’s ramp operation. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/80203 |
顯示於類別: | 畢業論文 |