標題: 運用眼球追蹤技術探討國小教師對熱傳遞概念之研究
Use Eye-tracking System to Examine Elementary School Teachers’ Concepts Involving Heat Transfer
作者: 徐國銘
Kuo-Ming Hsu
Hsiao-Ching She
關鍵字: 熱傳遞;眼球追蹤技術;國小教師;Heat Transfer;Eye-Tracking System;Elementary School Teacher
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本研究使用熱傳遞相關概念之多媒體動畫,並以眼球追蹤技術(Eye-Tracking System)比較不同學科背景之教師在觀看熱傳遞教學動畫時眼球凝視次數(fixation number)、停留時間(duration)與凝視路徑(scanpath)是否有差異,在實驗前後以訪談的方式了解不同學科背景教師對於熱傳遞概念的差異情形。
This research used the concept of the Heat Transfer of Multimedia Animation, and using Eye-Tracking System compared the diversity of the fixation number, duration and scanpath of the teachers with interdepartmental backgrounds watching multimedia animation. During the experiment, it also used the in-depth interviews to appreciate the different concepts of the heat transfer from the teachers with interdepartmental backgrounds.
There were 40 teachers were chosen as participants from the elementry schools in Hsinchu city and Miaoli county. These participants were divided into two groups (19 teachers with non-science background and 21 teachers with non-science background) to have in-depth interviews and use Eye-Tracking System to analyze the movements of eye balls.
The result showed there were obvious differences between the teachers with science background and the teachers with non-science background; the teachers with science background had greatly concept of the heat transfer. Nevertheless, after Multimedia Animation teaching, there was a significant progress, which meant Multimedia Animation was helpful for building on the heat transfer. The data of the interdepartmental teachers' Eye-Tracking indicated there were obvious differences on looking at the letters and watching multimedia animation. The teachers with science background more focused on multimedia animation; however, the teacher with non-science background had the similar percentage on paying attention to multimedia animation and the letters, and both these groups had no differences on staring time at multimedia animation and letters. Moreover, this research found there was a correlative relationship between the eye-ball attention and the conceptual formation of the teachers with interdepartmental backgrounds.


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