標題: 歐洲及亞洲主要電信企業之營運績效評估
Operational Performance of Major Telecos in Asia and Europe
作者: 張光燦
Jin-Li Hu
關鍵字: DEA;效率;電信事業;efficiency;data envelopment analysis;telecos
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本文藉由檢視企業生產之設備和人力兩項資源與企業營收之關係,來
探討42 家歐洲和亞洲主要電信業者之績效,其中包括18 家亞洲業者和24家歐洲業者。研究方法採用DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) 模型探討2000 年到2004 年各業者每年的整體技術效率、純粹技術效率和規模效率,並利用曼惠特尼U 檢定方法,確認不同業者之效率差異。研究結果顯示,規模大之業者具有較高之經營效率,跨國電信業者也都具有較高之效率,行動電信業者之效率優於其他電信業者,歐洲業者之效率優於亞洲業者。
This paper examines the efficiency of major Asian and European telecos during the period 2000~2004, Data Envelopment Aanalysis (DEA) is used to compute the efficiency of these 42 companies including 18 Asian and 24 European firms. We use Mann-Whitney U Test to test whether or not significant differences exist among the efficiency scores of these telecos. Our major findings are as follows: 1. Telecos with wider scope and transnational business have better efficiency. 2. Mobile telecos have better efficiency than others. 3. European telecos have better efficiency than Asian telecos.


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