标题: 使用规则导向且考虑障碍物之多层直角史坦纳树的建造
Rule Based Multi-Layer Obstacle-Avoiding Recitlinear Steiner Tree Construction
作者: 洪祯徽
Chen-Hui Hung
Hung-Ming Chen
关键字: 绕线;史坦纳树;考虑障碍物;Routing;Recitlinear Steiner Tree;Obstacle-Avoiding
公开日期: 2007
摘要: 随着超大型积体电路设计的大小增加,绕线的问题也越来越重要。绕线树建立在绕线器的运作中对于最后的绕线结果影响尤其重大。在我们的论文当中,我们提出了一个单/多层考虑障碍物之直角史坦纳树的建造有效且可以快速的建立多层绕线的方法。
In very/ultra large scale design (VLSI/ULSI), routing is a very challenging work. Especially, the routing tree construction, as an extremely important step for routers, plays a crucial role for the routing results. In this thesis, we have proposed an algorithm to construct a single/multi-layer obstacle-avoiding rectilinear Steiner tree, which can get good solution at single layer and fast yet effective at multi layers. We use a concept called co-edge to minimize the total wirelength. It is better than just considering the U-Shaped refinement [20] under the same topology. In multi-layer, we proposed a hierarchical and heuristic approach to solve this problem. Experimental results have shown that our algorithm is still efficient in larger multi-layer cases, with slightly more wirelength.


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  2. 166601.pdf

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