標題: 以同步觀測圖和時相高階頻譜分析來探討禪坐的心肺交互作用
Study on Meditation Cardiorespiratory Interactions Based on Synchrogram and Time-phase Bispectral Analysis
作者: 蔡政恩
Jeng-En Tsai
Pei-Chen Lo
關鍵字: 禪坐;靜坐;同步觀測圖;高階頻譜;心肺;非線性;同步;交互作用;meditation;synchrogram;cardiorespiratory;bispectral;coupling;synchronization;bispectrum;nonlinear;interaction
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本研究的目的在於探討當心肺交互作用發生在禪坐時的相位同步和非線性交互作用。同步觀測圖和時相高階頻譜分析工具分別被用來研究相位同步和非線性交互作用。本研究共收集了16位年齡相似的受測者,其中實驗組為7位具有禪坐經驗者,而控制組9位受測者則無此經驗。由結果發現,發生同步的時段數、總維持時間和非線性交互作用的時段數都有顯著增加 (p值分別為 0.023, 0.034, 0.038)。根據此結果,禪坐時對於心肺同步現象的影響是很明顯地。關於探討同步和非線性交互作用結果的一致性,我們發現禪坐時的正相關顯著增加 (p值為0.011),因此推測在發生非線性交互作用時,禪坐可能會增加心肺系統之間的同步現象。
The aim of this research was to investigate the phase synchronization and nonlinear coupling while cardiorespiratory interaction occurred during Zen meditation. Synchrogram analysis was applied to the investigation of phase synchronization, and time-phase bispectral analysis was employed in studying the nonlinear coupling. This study included 16 subjects, 7 experimental subjects with Zen-meditation experience and 9 control subjects in the same age range, yet, without any meditation experience. According to our results, number of the synchronous epochs, the total synchronization duration, and the number of the coupling epochs all significantly increased (p=0.023, 0.034, and 0.038, respectively) during meditation. As a result, the effect of meditation on cardiorespiratory synchronization was evident. Regarding the methodological coincidence between synchronization and nonlinear coupling, we found that positive correlation increased significantly (p = 0.011) during meditation. It suggests that under nonlinear coupling, meditation might enhance the phase synchronization between cardiac and respiratory systems.


  1. 261601.pdf

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