標題: 禪坐之腦電位分佈之微狀態分析
Microstate Analysis of Zen-Meditation Brain Topography
作者: 李昶毅
Chang-Yi Li
Pei-Chen Lo
關鍵字: 禪坐;腦電波;空間分佈;microstate;mediation;topography
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本篇論文主要目的是提出一套分析腦電波α波空間分佈的微狀態的方法,並探討禪坐者與一般人的腦電波在微狀態中的特性及差異性。 首先利用小波分解(wavelet decomposition)和小波重建(wavelet reconstruction)將腦電波中的α波頻帶擷取出來,再以各頻帶的能量比例判斷是否為α波,並將這α波能量計算為一個30維度的能量份佈(alpha brain mapping);接著以馬氏(manalanobis)模糊C-means(MFCM)最為分類法對各個能量分佈情形進行分類,最後選取特定的分類結果作為狀態分析。 在微狀態分析的結果中發現,在禪坐者的前額α波有較長的微狀態維持時間,根據相關的研究認為,微狀態所維持的時間與大腦中資訊處理有相當的關聯,一個 較穩定的腦部活動會有較長的微狀態維持時間,也代表在當時有較少的資訊在處理中,視為較為穩定的腦波活動狀態。
The aim of this study is to propose a method for detecting alpha wave in EEG (electroencephalograph) and analyzing the alpha spatial characteristics in a microstate aspect. We investigated and compared the brain microstates between Zen-meditation practitioners (experimental group) and non-practitioners (control group). Firstly, EEG epochs of interest were extracted by alpha-power percentage that is at least fifty percent of total power. In the analysis, wavelet decomposition and reconstruction was adopted. Then Mahalanobis Fuzzy C-means clustering was employed in the classification scheme for various alpha mappings. Finally, the alpha-brain microstates were explored and compared for both experimental and control groups. The preliminary results reveal a longer duration of frontal-alpha microstate observed in Zen-meditation practitioners in comparison with control subjects. From the literatures, a longer duration of microstate may imply that the brain is involved in slight information processing, reflecting a rather stabilized dynamics.


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