標題: 串流平台的程序控制
Process Control in Streaming Server
作者: 邱程翔
Cheng - Hsiang Chiu
Wen - Thong Chang
關鍵字: 串流平台;streaming server
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 串流伺服器的程序控制主要包含了連線建立、檔案處理及封包傳送三項主要任務。連線建立包含了socket間的資料傳遞以及透過一個狀態的機制來傳遞信令;檔案處理便是影音格式的解析以及訊框的切割與封裝;最後的部份便是封包傳送,此部分的重點在於時間的控制機制。
Streaming systems consist of three big jobs which include connection setup, file processing, and packets sending. Connection setup consists of the socket setup and the state mechanism which is used to exchange signaling; file processing contains the file formats’ parser and the packetizer; packets sending focuses on the timing control mechanism.

In this work, we investigate how streaming servers are constructed in a single process’s view. Generally speaking, streaming servers can be categorized into two structures which are multi process structure and single process structure. Although the differences in the performance of the two structures are not obvious, the detail implementations of single process are more complicated in timing control since the coding problems of the file formats.

Besides, we also try to modify an open source streaming server so that it can connect to commercial streaming servers by RTSP signaling.


  1. 352401.pdf

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