標題: 玻璃刮痕消除機之設計改良
Design Improvement of Fire Polishing Machine for Glass Scratchitti Removal
作者: 林哲良
Che-Liang Lin
Shane Y. Hong
關鍵字: 玻璃刮痕消除機;黏滯係數;殘留應力;Controlled Fire Polishing;residual stress
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 歐美澳等國家的玻璃刮痕塗鴉情形非常嚴重,為了解決嚴重的玻璃刮痕問題以一種創新的技術來消除玻璃上的刮痕,利用熱源將玻璃表面加熱軟化至與刮痕深度相同,迫使玻璃表面薄層溶解至液體狀態,使玻璃表層呈現黏性狀態,再藉由冷卻玻璃的期間,玻璃會藉由表面張力的作用自行去填補刮痕,直到玻璃冷卻至室溫,玻璃則會回復到原本的光滑狀態,這個技術,將其稱作為Controlled Fire Polishing。 本論文整理過去對於玻璃隨溫度變的特性相關的觀察與研究,為了提高玻璃火焰拋光的成功率,對玻璃刮痕消除機進行設計改良,改良玻璃刮痕消除機的缺點,並改善噴嘴的火燄均勻度以及玻璃的輸送方式,以增加機器之可靠度。藉由進行玻璃刮痕消除試驗,以驗證設計改良時之預期的結果,並討論在不同的實驗參數下對玻璃刮痕消除的影響。 最後,經由玻璃刮痕消除試驗,我們可以將量測與拋光實驗實際結果作比較,並歸納出下一代新型火焰拋光機之改良建議。
Scratchitti on the glasses of pubic utilities has become a common but serious problem in the United States, Europe, and Australia. In order to solve the serious glass scratchitti problem that a new technique developed in removal of scratches on glasses utilizes flame to heat the surface of the glass and a thin layer, of the same depth of the glass scratches, will melt and appears obvious viscosity. Then, during quenching to the ambient temperature, the scratches will be “fixed” by the surface tension until they are removed and the surface of the glass turns out to be smooth, which is the technique we call “Controlled Fire Polishing”. The thesis integrated the observation and research of glass characteristics change with temperature. In order to make machine operate as reliably as possible, it was proposed that a mechanism design and improvement based on the physical property of glass change with temperature. By proceeding the fire polishing experiment, the design and improvement could be verified, and it can be discussed that the influence on fire polished glass in different condition. After fire polishing experiment, we could compare the result of experiment and measurement to conclude the suggestion of the new fire polishing machine of next generation.


  1. 451701.pdf

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