Title: 以空間語法整合地理資訊系統建構最適防救災據點之選擇模式-以新竹市為例
A Model for Selecting Location of Urban Disaster-prevention and Shelters Based on Integration of Space Syntax and GIS-A Case Study of Hsinchu City
Authors: 李名修
Ming Shiou Li
Ren-Jye Dzeng
Keywords: 防救災據點規劃;空間語法;熵值權重法;地理資訊;Space Syntax;GIS
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 災害的發生,造成人民、資源及財務的巨大損失,尤其台灣位處特殊之地理環境,為因應災害的不確定性、空間性、時間性複合性及重建時的困難性,國內開始重視防災的概念,並建立相關法規及防救災體系,由新舊都市規劃及訪談中發現,目前國內對於防救災避難空間採用規劃標準的方式劃設,或是以直接指派的方式指定鄰近大型開放空間,如公園、遊樂區、廣場或市場等,規劃作為防救災據點,且甚少有人將都市空間配置排列關係納入實質規劃中,造成防救災據點之防救災能力下降,且關於防救災據點規劃所涵蓋的領域、層面及影響範圍涵蓋相當廣泛,災害事件發生對於救災據點的規劃也充滿不確定性,難以全面的考量並比較。
本研究嘗試以多重決策分析的概念作為最適防救災據點分析模式的架構,整合空間語法(Space Syntax)將都市空間配置關係進行量化,將空間關係轉換成實質的規劃因子,輔以實務規劃之準則彌補考量不足之處,以建立一套完整且合理的防救災據點分析模式及流程,其中利用客觀權重法中的熵值權重法依照過資料數據所表現出之現象及特性,所透露出決策資訊的不確定性作為權重給予的依據,最後以地理資訊系統(GIS)作為影響因子圖層整合及結果視覺化的呈現,期望幫助規劃者有一套完整的規劃流程架構及依據,並修正及檢討現有都市防災避難據點之規劃方式,避免災害發生時防救災據點無法發揮效用,最終創造出安全環境都市。
The disaster occurrence, creates people's, the resources and the financial heavy loss, specially Taiwan’s position have special geographical environment, for in accordance to disaster not determinism, space, timely compound and time reconstruction difficult, The home starts the concept which takes to take measures against natural disasters, and the establishment correlation laws and regulations and guard against the disaster relief system, discovered by in the new old metropolis plan and interview, at present domestic regarding guards against the disaster relief to seek asylum the space to use the plan standard the way to delimit supposes, perhaps to the way which directly appoints assigns the neighbor large-scale open space If the park, the amusement area, the square or the market.
This research attempt by the establishing a model of selecting the suitability refuge base, the conformity space grammar (Space Syntax) carries on the metropolis space disposition relations the quantification, transforms the spatial relations the mature archery target plan factor Uses the entropy weight method, finally by geographyinformation system (GIS) as influence factor chart level conformity and result vision presenting,tohelp the planner assess suitability refuge base,and improve the refuge base planning method.
Appears in Collections:Thesis