標題: IFC資料標準之結構物資訊擷取與建立
Set up and retrieve structural information based on IFC model
作者: 樊啟勇
Chi-Yung Fan
Chang-Yu Lin
關鍵字: BIM;IFC;標準化;資訊共享;building information modeling;industry foundation classes;Standardization;Information sharing
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 為增加生產力,提高營建業整體效率,電子化與資訊標準化是必須的途徑。在世界主要工業國家,以國際組織BuildingSmart(International Alliance for Interoperability/IAI)訂定的IFC(Industry Foundation Classes)為主之建築資訊模式(BIM, Building Information Model)已被廣泛採用為營建業資訊標準架構。IFC/BIM在建築物之生命週期中,從規劃,建築設計,工程分析,估價發包,施工乃至營運維護各階段,不同分工間,皆可利用其來交換資訊乃至於知識與決策。IFC是一種開放性資料格式作為資訊的交換以及共享使用於整個營建管理上,以純文字檔案存在,採用物件資料庫的概念來處理資料內容,避免資料傳遞時發生錯漏造成財務和時間上的損失。 為推動國內在此建築資訊標準之應用,本研究的目的在了解IFC資料結構內容並嘗試應用。由於市面上已有多家繪圖軟體宣稱支援IFC標準,本研究對於幾家市佔率較高者進行了其支援狀況的探討與比較。由於IFC資料能用於營造業各生命週期,特別是設計階段,故冀望結構設計時能提供所需求之資料來銜接建築與結構設計資料傳遞。因IFC涵蓋建築物生命週期各階段所需資料,頗為煩雜,針對結構設計所需結構元件如梁柱等之組成資料進行擷取,並建立結構分析相關部分資訊。
In order to increase productivity and improve the efficiency of building industry, electronization and standardization information are the essential way. Recently, in main industrial countries, the IFC standard has already been accepted as the information standard for buildings. In order to promote the application of the IFC building information standards in Taiwan, this research is to comprehend IFC information and to utilize it to exchange necessary data. Through the research, compatibility of the public domain software and software from major CAD vendor will be examined. A prototype of user interface to establish and retrieve structural information of IFC data is set up in this research. Some examples will be obtained or derived to see the basic components. In addition, to reduce the complexity in the beginning, only the essential structural building element to form spaces is examined in this preliminary research.


  1. 654401.pdf

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