標題: 安全數位盲簽章機制之設計與應用
The Design of Secure Digital Blind Signature Schemes and Their Applications
作者: 吳林全
Lin-Chuan Wu
Yi-Shiung Yeh
關鍵字: 不可追蹤性;偽造即停盲簽章機制;盲簽章機制;密碼學;資訊安全;Untraceability;Fail-stop Blind Signature Scheme;Blind Signature Scheme;Cryptography;Information Security
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 近年來由於網際網路應用快速地發展,使得網路購物和網路競標等電子交易服務日漸普及。目前這些服務所採用的認證方式大多為身份-密碼(ID-Password)機制,因其不具備不可否認(non-repudiation)的性質。因此,植基於公開金鑰基礎建設(PKI)之數位簽章機制能夠達到交易上之不可否認性,建立電子商務應用和服務之穩定基礎。
本論文主要是提出偽造即停盲簽章機制(fail-stop blind signature scheme)來解決傳統盲簽章機制在面對擁有無限計算能力的偽造者總是能夠成功地偽造簽章,且對偽造即停盲簽章機制所須具備的安全性質加以定義,並證明所提出之簽章機制是安全的。
Recently, Internet applications are developed rapidly, such that electronic transaction services like purchasing and bidding on Internet are more popular. The ID-Password mechanism is mainly used for authentication, but it cannot achieve the non-repudiation property. Therefore, the digital signature scheme based on PKI can achieve the non-repudiation property in electronic transactions. It can be the well-constructed basis for electronic commerce services and applications.
However, in electronic cash or electronic ticket applications, the anonymity property must be satisfied for the participants to preserve their privacy. Thus, the digital blind signature scheme is proposed for this purpose. The untraceability property is an important property in digital blind signature scheme, it makes the signer computationally cannot identify the signature which is owned by someone. In the other words, the signer is computationally infeasible to trace the signature.
In this dissertation, a fail-stop blind signature scheme is proposed to solve the problem that a forger with unlimited computational power can always forge a signature successfully. A secure fail-stop blind signature scheme is also defined. Moreover, our proposed signature scheme is proved secure.
Some improved digital blind signature schemes, in security and efficiency, based on integer factorization, quadratic residue, and discrete logarithm cryptosystems are also be presented in this dissertation. Furthermore, the unforgeability and untraceability properties of proxy blind signature schemes are discussed. Finally, an electronic cash system based on fail-stop blind signature scheme and an electronic ticket protocol with information hiding are proposed. They can be established for more secure electronic transaction systems in theoretical basis and applications.


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