標題: 平面電子發射光源的工作條件對其電性和發光特性的影響
Effects of working conditions on the electric and luminescence properties of flat electron emission lamp
作者: 蘇裕閔
Jenh-Yih Juang
關鍵字: 平面電子發射光源;FEEL
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 我們發展出一種名為平面電子發射光源(Flat Electron Emission Lamp,簡稱 FEEL)的發光方式。FEEL屬於一種平面光源,我們預期將來應該能夠應用在許多領域上。FEEL發光的原理是利用電子動能激發螢光粉,但它不像場發射機制需要在高真空才能發光,並且具有發光均勻度高的優點。因為它是一種新的發光方式,所以並沒有很多與之直接相關的文獻記載,因此本篇論文的重點在尋找其工作條件,並了解其對FEEL的電性及發光特性的影響,希望能藉由對其機制的了解,進一步找出增進其發光效率的方法。
We have developed a new kind of luminescence method, named flat electron emission lamp, FEEL for short. It is a kind of flat light source, and we expect that it can be applied to various technology fields in the future. The basic working principle of FEEL is to utilize energetic electrons to excite phosphor power and generate desired luminescence. The device is having luminescence uniformity and relatively lower requirement of working pressure as compared to the field emission counterparts where high vacuum is required and lack of uniformity is the primary constraint. Because FEEL is a new kind of luminescence method, there are rare literature records directly relevant to it. Therefore this thesis puts emphasis on the effects of work conditions on the electric and luminescence properties of FEEL.
Appears in Collections:Thesis