標題: 一維光子晶體應用在波束掃描之特性研究和設計
Research and design of the beam steering application by one-dimensional photonic crystal
作者: 黃文楓
Wen-Feng Huang
Chen-Shiung Chang
關鍵字: 波束掃描;一維光子晶體;天線理論;禁帶邊緣;beam-steering;one-dimensional photonic crystal;theorem of antenna;bandedge
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 利用ㄧ維光子晶體禁帶外的穿透極值以及相位特性設計波束掃描結構。我們分別研究了當介質高低折射率層之週期為2的倍數、3的倍數和4的倍數時光子晶體所對應到的頻率和相位特性。根據這些特性,我們也設計出改變不同的結構來達到大角度移動波束方向和調變結構的間距對波束做小角度調動。我們使用穿透矩陣法(TMM)以及有限差分時域法(FDTD)來模擬設計波束的掃描,並經由天線理論來解釋我們的模擬結果,最後以微波實驗來驗證。
We design beam-steering structure by using one-dimensional photonic crystal. We study the frequencies which has maximum transmission and the characteristics of phase when the periods of the structure are multiple、triple and quadruple. Then we use different structures to steer the main beam angle in big range and tune the length of layers to steer the main beam in small angle. We design our beam-steering structure by Transfer Matrix Method (TMM) and Finite Difference Time Domain method (FDTD), and explain our simulation results by microwave experiment.


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