標題: 光柵式光纖感測系統在隧道安全監測之應用與分析-以台7線雪霧隧道為例
Tunnel Safety Monitoring & Analysis - Example of Xue-Wu Tunnel Located in Provincial Highway No.7
作者: 陳偉彬
Wei-Bin Chen
Wen-Chen Jau
關鍵字: 隧道;光纖;光柵式光纖;遠端即時監控;Tunnel;Optical Fiber;Fiber Bragger Grating;Remote Real Time Monitoring System
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 光纖具有體積小、質量輕、耐高溫、耐腐蝕、抗電磁波干擾等優勢,國內將光纖技術應用於結構行為監測亦有十數年之歷史,包括橋梁、大樓、廠房、甚至於瀝青混凝土鋪面等,而台7線雪霧隧道則是國內第一個隧道安全監測使用光纖系統的案例。 雪霧隧道的光纖監測系統,不但使用先進的光柵式光纖技術,並設置了遠端即時監控的功能,還可於災害發生的第一時間主動發佈電話語音簡訊,隧道養護人員便可透過網際網路隨時隨地掌握現場的即時影像及監測數據。本系統經實際運作一年後,成效良好,穩定度佳、可性度高,未來並規劃搭配警示燈、LED電子看板等預警設施,更進一步維護用路人行的安全。 另本研究亦利用ANSYS結構分析軟體建立隧道有限元素模型,套用光纖監測所得之數據進行分析,結果顯示雪霧隧道入口處洞口段持續向下沉陷並向山谷側偏移,此模型若能獲得更多監測數據及更完整的地質資料,必有助於找出隧道變形的成因及解決之道。
Fiber Optical Sensors(FOS) has many advantages, such as small size, light weight, sustain high temperature, corrosion and magnetic interrupt resistant…etc. In Taiwan, FOS has been used to monitor concrete behavior, such as bridge, building, factory, even on pavement of road for over ten year’s experience. Xue-Wu Tunnel, which is located in Provincial Highway No.7, is the first case to use Fiber Bragger Grating Sensors Real Time Monitoring System(FBGSRTMS) to measure tunnel deformation. FBGSRTMS of Xue-Wu Tunnel not only used advanced Fiber Bragger Grating technology, but also set up a real image & remote real time monitoring system which can send alarm immediately by telephone and e-mail when disaster occurred. Moreover, in this thesis, ANSYS structural analysis software is applied to the tunnel and compared with the data of FBGSRTMS. It shows the north exit area of Xue-Wu Tunnel keeps on settling to the valley side. As a result, it will do a great help for finding the reason of tunnel deformation and solution, if we can get more monitoring and complete geophysical information.
Appears in Collections:Thesis