標題: 營建專案分包管理教育訓練模擬模式之研究
A Study of Simulation in Education Training of Construction Project Management
作者: 彭廉惟
Dr. Ren-Jye Dzeng
關鍵字: 專案發包管理;輔助教學系統;人工智慧;電腦模擬;Project tendering management;Computer-aided education;Artificial intelligence;Simulation
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 營建管理是一個兼具學術及實務之學門,訓練內容除了包含許多學術理論及技術之介紹外,尚須搭配在現場工地之實務應用始能完整。然而,大部份的營建管理課程設計往往假設學生已具備足夠之營建工程實務經驗,而較缺乏實務應用之訓練。目前部分學校雖已規劃營建實習課程,唯訓練期程過短,學生對營建生命週期作業內容仍無法深入瞭解,且一般營建企業多視實習學生為工讀生,實習學生甚少觸及營建專業領域或決策性之業務,造成實習無法達成預期之效果,因此大部分營建管理相關科系學生畢業後,仍需於業界長期之實務養成訓練始有機會接觸決策性之工作。在學生缺乏實際決策訓練之機會及實際決策之成本過高的情況下,本研究以營造廠商最主要之決策管理作業-分包為例,建立具多人線上連線功能之專案分包管理模擬教學系統,透過遊戲假設之虛擬化市場,由學生扮演營造廠商之角色,進行競標、評估及挑選供應協力廠商,學習分包方式之工程專案管理。
The construction management education requires both academic and field training. However, most construction management program assumes that students already have sufficient field experience, and have not emphasized on the field training. Although some programs have required students to participate in summer internships, the effect is limited because of the intern duration is usually short and intern students have little opportunity to be involved in business decision making. Consequently, construction management graduates often require long period of job experience to be competent in business decision making. This research uses the major decision making task of construction firms, i.e., tendering management, as an example, and intends to develop a multiple-player simulation game for education training purpose. The web-based game sets up a virtual market on the Internet that allows students to play the role of construction firms by bidding projects, evaluating and choosing suppliers, carrying out the projects, and responding the dynamic risks occurring in simulated execution phase. The developed system is expected to provide a means for students to gain practical decision making experience.


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