Title: 擁擠知覺與促銷活動對衝動性購買之影響研究—以享樂性購物價值為中介變數
The effects of perceived crowding and sales promotion on impulse buying— hedonic shopping value as a mediator
Authors: 江秋君
Chiu-Chuen Chiang
Chia-Chi Chang
Keywords: 擁擠知覺;促銷;享樂性購物價值;衝動性購買;perceived crowding;sales promotion;hedonic shopping value;impulse buying
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 本研究主要在探討知覺擁擠與促銷活動兩者之交互作用對於享樂性購物價值的影響,以及享樂性購物價值與衝動性購買之關係。以實驗法進行研究,由研究者至賣場取景製作成影片,搭配虛擬故事操弄本研究所欲探討的變數。本研究結果顯示,擁擠知覺與促銷活動兩者交互作用並不顯著,即對享樂性購物價值而言無影響;然而當有舉辦促銷活動時,消費者之享樂性購物價值較高。在衝動性購買方面,當享樂性購物價值愈高,消費者衝動性購買的程度也愈高,兩者呈現正相關。整體而言,擁擠程度對享樂性購物價值並無影響,而當有促銷活動時,消費者之享樂性購物價值較高,產生衝動性購買的可能性也較高。
This research investigated some factors affecting impulse buying. It assumed that higher hedonic shopping value would induce a higher probability of impulse buying. The other hypotheses described that when there was a sales promotion, consumers’ hedonic shopping values were higher in the condition of a high level of perceived crowding and when there were no sales promotions, hedonic shopping values were higher in the condition of a low level of crowding. It was also assumed that sales promotion would result in higher hedonic shopping. The results showed that the interactions between sales promotions and hedonic shopping values were not significantly, hedonic shopping value was higher when there was a sales promotion, and the possibility of impulse buying was higher under consumers’ higher hedonic shopping value.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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