標題: 保險消費者的涉入程度與服務品質認知對認知失調的影響
The Influence of Insurance Customer Service Quality Perceptions and the Level of Involvements on Cognitive Dissonance
作者: 戴嘉瑱
Jia-Tian Dai
Jen-Hung Huang
關鍵字: 保險消費者;服務品質認知;涉入程度;認知失調;Insurance customer;Service quality perceptions;Involvement;Cognitive dissonance
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 「保險」是一種先簽約付款,後享受服務的產品,它能夠提供顧客日後對未知風險分散與移轉的保障,然而,許多消費者卻常因為只瞭解了片面資訊而為日後帶來更高的風險,等到真正發生理賠(或給付)需求時,才發現實際的商品(或服務)與自己心目中的認知之間存有很大的落差,而想要提前解約產品,萌發絕不再和相同的業務員或保險公司打交道的念頭。 根據相關領域文獻進行整理與探討後,獲知應於服務品質構念下探討失調性的問題,為了更一般化「服務品質認知與認知失調」之關係結果,本研究針對台灣保險市場中已有理賠(或給付)經驗的消費者,以較隨機化的抽樣方式,在考量消費者廣告涉入、產品涉入與購買決策涉入程度因素下,利用逐步迴歸分析方法,同時探討消費者服務品質認知的表現,對認知失調之影響。 研究結果發現消費者購後的認知失調主要受到:消費者產品與購買決策的涉入程度、服務品質認知的表現、及其所具備的商品知識與產品關心度影響,與其廣告涉入程度並無顯著的關聯。商品知識與產品關心度較高的消費者與較低者之間的購後認知失調性有著顯著的差異,且當消費者的產品或購買決策涉入程度越高、服務品質認知的表現越好,其購後的認知失調度會越低,此結果也隱含了:高涉入程度的消費者具有高附加價值的保單傾向,低涉入程度的消費者具有高可靠性的保險員傾向,優良的保險員素質對消費者認知失調的減緩與商品(或服務)滿意度的提升將扮演舉足輕重的角色。
According to the signed insurance policies, customers can be served as security for their dispersible and transferable risks in the future but at the same time they usually understand one-sided information about it. They will find what they thought of the product or service as is far different from what they actually obtained until they claimed for the insurance benefit. The cognitive dissonance not only makes them feel uncomfortable but also may lead them to rescind the contract and not to have dealings with the same insurer any more. This paper explores dissonance issue under the constructive concept of service quality due to the relative research results. In order to obtain the more generalized relationship between customer service quality perceptions and the cognitive dissonance, we sampled the Taiwan customers who have had claim experiences more randomly and discussed the influence of their service quality perceptions and the level of involvements on cognitive dissonance simultaneously by stepwise regression method. The result shows that customer service quality perceptions, the level of their product and purchase decision involvements, and whether they indeed realize and pay attention to the product or service have the effect on cognitive dissonance significantly, but the level of their advertising involvement has the effect on it insignificantly. The better performance of customer service quality perceptions or the higher level of their product and purchase decision involvements, the lower cognitive dissonance. This result also imply that the customers with higher involvement have the inclination of high added-value of their policies and those with lower involvement have the inclination of high dependability of their agents. Therefore, the good quality of an insurance agent plays the leading role to alleviate customers’ cognitive dissonance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis