標題: 客觀上相當因果關係法理應用於行車事故肇因鑑定之研究
A Study on Objective Substantial Causation Theory for Appraisal of Traffic Accidents
作者: 陳彥仲
Yen-Chung Chen
Shoei-Uei Wu
關鍵字: 客觀上相當因果關係;肇因鑑定;違規駕駛行為;Objective Substantial Causation;Appraisal of Traffic Accidents;the driver’s illegal behaviors
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本研究回顧研析客觀上相當因果關係法理,其主要內涵分為兩階段,第一階段為判斷基底,以駕駛者於事故當時在客觀上所存在之事實,及行為後所發生之事情為一般駕駛者當時所能預見或一般駕駛者經驗上認為可能者,作為第二階段相當性判斷的基礎,第二階段為判斷相當性,以基底配合交通事故重建方法,重建事故當時之情形,根據駕駛人因素、車輛因素、道路設施因素、環境因素等四大類,依照經驗法則與信賴原則判斷雙方駕駛者行為對於結果發生的相當性。依此兩階段本研究構建出客觀交通事故肇因鑑定程序性模式,考慮常見之違規行為,分析其違規行為可能造成法所不容許之風險,而違規行為所造成之風險,仍須在事故結果中實現才能視為有客觀上相當因果關係,不能僅認定有違規行為即推論其與事故具有因果關係。 本研究蒐集30件事故案例,將其分類為雙方皆有違規行為、僅一方有違規行為、雙方皆無違規行為等三類案例,以建立違規行為與客觀上相當因果關係之關聯性分析。因此,判斷違規行為是否為肇因行為時,需考量違規行為造成法所不容許之風險是否於交通事故中所實現,即判斷其違規行為與結果發生是否有相當性與違規行為無關。
We have reviewed Objective Substantial Causation Theory, including two stages. First stage is to find the base, with the objectively fact existing in the accident, and the tings happened after the behavior general drivers could predict or could be possible on general drivers’ experience in the accident. We take this base to judge the substantiality, and cooperate with the Traffic Accident Rebuilt Method to rebuild the situation of the accident. The second stage is according to the situation and the four factors, such as the driver’s factor, vehicle factor, road facility factor, environment factor, we use the Principle of Trusting and the Experience Principle to judge the substantiality of the result in both drivers’ behaviors. For the two stages, we construct the Substantial Appraisal of Traffic Accidents Model. We have analyzed the illegal behavior causing risks that the laws do not allow. There is substantial causation when the risks carry out in the accident. We can’t assert there is substantial causation when driver’s behavior is illegal. We classify the thirty traffic accident cases for three kinds, such as both drivers’ behaviors are illegal, either drivers’ behavior is illegal and neither drivers’ behavior is not illegal, to analyze relation with illegal behaviors and substantial causation. When determining illegal behavior is causation behavior, we should consider whether the illegal behavior causing risks that the laws do not allow carry out in the accident. In other words, do not due to the illegal driver’s behavior when we determine whether there is substantiality with illegal behavior and traffic accident happened.


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