標題: 行人流行人跟隨行為特性與模式之研究
The Characteristics and Modeling of Microscopic Pedestrian-following Behavior within Pedestrian Flow
作者: 蔣益彰
Chiang, Yi-Chang
Wu, Shoei-Uei
關鍵字: 行人跟隨行為;跟車理論;微觀行人跟隨模式;平均絕對值誤差率;線性行人跟隨距離模式;Pedestrian-following behaviors;Car-following theory;Microscopic pedestrian-following model;MAPE(mean absolute percentage error);Linear Pedestrian-following distance model
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本研究目的在建構一微觀行人跟隨模式,以探討影響行人跟隨行為之顯著變因,及分析行人跟隨行為之特性。經現場錄影觀察,符合本研究所需之行人跟隨行為樣本占所有觀察行人數目的7%。並由資料發現行人行為與領導者行人速度、跟隨者行人速度、行人速度差、跟隨距離、起始跟隨距離、性別、跟隨時間等影響變數有關,本研究依觀察資料首先引入跟車理論之模式,再建構線性行人跟隨距離模式及線性行人跟隨速度模式,並進行比較。以預測行人於跟隨行為發生後之跟隨距離,並與現有車流理論中跟車模式比較,發現本研究所建構之行人跟隨距離模式,模式解釋能力R2為0.511,平均絕對值誤差率僅0.122,在四種模式中的預測誤差為最小。顯示線性行人跟隨距離模式能有效預測行人跟隨行為。
The main purposes of this study are to construct a microscopic pedestrian-following model and analyze the characteristics of pedestrian-following behavior. The data of pedestrian-following behavior was investigated in commercial area in Taipei. Statistical tests show that the significant factors affecting pedestrian-following behaviors include leader’s speed, follower’s speed, following distance, gender and following time. First of all, study is going to use two models of car-following theory, to see if they could describe pedestrian-following behavior, and to construct new linear pedestrian-following distance model. After comparing the results, we found that the R2 of new pedestrian-following distance model is 0.511, and MAPE is 0.122. The linear pedestrian-following distance model can predict well with the least error over all four models we tested. It is said that pedestrian-following distance model which we constructed can satisfactorily capture the nature of pedestrian-following behavior.


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